I Discovered the "Meaning of Life"
I think one of the most evasive theories ever is that of the "meaning of life."
But I think I cracked the secret!
I've had everything, gone through some pretty dark moments of despair, been on top of the world, and experienced a variety of versions of "hell" often enough to be fairly confident in what I'm about to tell you.
When it comes down to the basis of being psychologically and mentally healthy, I think a lot of it has to do with the people you have around you. When you have sucky people around you, you have a sucky outlook on life. When you have awesome people around you, you tend to feel balanced and uplifted.
I never want to be the lonely rich widow on the hill. Having "everything" when you have no friends and family around means you really have nothing.
Yet how many people go through life "too busy" for set-aside time for friends and family?
I've thought about this over and over again and it really comes down to the time you have with other people, enjoying laughs and catching up.
The unfortunate thing is that we never have enough time to live life and be with other people on a more enjoyable level because we're ball-and-chained to work all the time.
And that really sucks.
In your lifetime, right now, you have a fraction of an opportunity to benefit with the greatest amount of leverage you'll ever have in this lifetime.
It's a shame how many will actually waste this opportunity because they are "too busy" or "too lazy" to take advantage of it.
Most of you know that I've been teaching a lot about my Total Wealth Building System, showing my students how to feed Aggressive streams of income into Passive income assets for retirement in 3 years or less.
And in the last summer, I did a few different trainings and seminars showing how the New Wealth Ninja aggressive income streams work. I also covered both business and real estate types of aggressive income strategies in my last seminar event in Vegas this past October.
There are 2 powerful Aggressive Income Secrets that you can use to make huge cash flows with in 2013:
1) Aggressive Real Estate Investing: Discover my most powerful strategy in raising quick money (ultimately for your passive income streams) through property flipping. At my last seminar, I covered flipping strategies with SFRs only. In my upcoming March event, I'll be talking about flipping SFRs and apartment buildings for huge amounts of cash! This is the first and only event I'll be covering these coveted, little-known strategies.
2) Aggressive Business New Wealth Ninja Strategies: I've recently revealed my most powerful and highly secretive means of making a huge stream of income through a highly profitable business endeavor using distribution as a powerful leverage to making millions of dollars.
Again, my strongest recommendation to all of my students is to use these Aggressive Income Secrets to funnel the cash into your Passive Income Investments; this is truly the closest I can get you from Point A (where you are now) to Point B (retirement) in the shortest amount of time possible. There is no shorter road to financial freedom.
Need I remind you again why you want financial freedom?
You can't enjoy life when you're working your ass off for someone else, stressed out about bills, and too preoccupied (physically and mentally) with scraping by to enjoy your friends and family.
Because as I started with this email, I clued you in that the most important thing in life is howyou spend your time and who you spend your time with. As long as you're a slave to the grind, you don't have any choices with either of the two.
The only thing we all start with when we're born is with a clock that starts ticking backwards on how much time we have left. For some, it's only a little bit of time. For others, it's 80+ years. Unfortunately, you never know what your clock says when you're born. None of know exactly how many years we have on this planet.
Why wait till the end of your life to start enjoying it...especially knowing that you may not make it that far?
I know...it's a depressing thought.
But it doesn't have to be because you can start taking control of your entire future right now!
Aggressive Income into Passive Income. Your simple rule to financial freedom.
I strongly suggest you choose property flipping or a New Wealth Ninja strategy...or both. We are getting down to the wire on raising money for passive income and 2013 is it. This is the last year you'll still be able to get deals on properties. Residential and commercial property deals will start to climb aggressively in the years to come. Therefore, your strategy needs to be to get cash, push it into passive income, and retire with your passive streams of money coming in.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main