A couple of weeks ago during a "video filming" break I was chatting with my videographer, Jesse, who many of you have seen at my seminar events over the past 4 years. I was telling him that I'm "immersing" myself into a new world because I finally got over a ridiculous fear and that I was finally taking the first step to shoot for a dream I've had for so long.
And that fear is so stupid that I feel like I've wasted the last 20 years of my life being afraid of...nothing.
What is this fear I've had for so many years?
I was afraid of taking a step forward to pursue this one particular hobby/dream I've had since I was in high school. I've always wanted to be a screenwriter.
Except, something weird happened between then (high school) and just recently (New Year's Day 2014). I've been deathly afraid of doing anything with my talent in writing.
I've been afraid of joining any events, finishing my screenplays, or moving forward beyond the scope of reading a book. And even then, some of the books I wouldn't finish.
I realized that there was a major "wall" or obstacle that I had manifested in my head which seemed to get larger in size as I aged. The "wall" started with "I can't possibly be successful doing this" to adding onto it with "because I'm a woman and Hollywood doesn't like women writers" to "I can make more money having a variety of different businesses than I ever will as a writer" to "I'm getting old and Hollywood doesn't like 40+ writers."
It's amazing how the "devil" can get larger in size when you let it.
But then something funny happens when you start thinking you're getting "too old" for something. You'll either accept that you're too old and recess into inactivity toward your dreams...or you'll kick your ass into swift action and do something about your dreams as a final ditch attempt at making them work since you view it as your "last chance."
I adopted the latter approach.
So, here I am, quickly careening into "40-something" and realized that it's now or never.
One thing I've always agreed with Tony Robbins about is his "taking massive action" approach to attaining your goals. Of course, not just "any" old action will do. You have to have very specific step-by-step action plans that are doable, attainable, and something you can wrap your head around without psyching yourself out (by being overwhelmed at any point).
Back to the screenwriting stuff...
After the first of the year, I went from being "afraid" of pursuing this dream to signing up for everything I could get my hands on.
The first class I signed up for took place over the weekend before last. It was a 2-day screenwriting workshop conducted by a guy named Jose. The purpose of the class was to teach us how to "beat out" a screenplay in 15 simple beats, as outlined in a book called Save the Cat!
Without getting into any boring details about the class, when I was telling Jesse about the class, he asked if the teacher -- Jose -- had any screenwriting credits. I said I didn't know. He said, "Let's hope he's 'Jose the screenwriter' and not Jose the screen fixer.'"
I couldn't help but to laugh...even though I don't know what a "screen fixer" is. I guess that's really besides the point.
What is the point?
How many fears do you have that are "unsubstantiated demons" floating around in your head, creating huge walls that are nothing more than smoke and mirrors?
When are you going to decide to step out and "immerse" yourself into your new world? Or are you happy dying with the life you have now?
What happened when I went to my class? It wasn't really about the class for me, even though I did learn a lot. It was about building confidence to do something about my dream, even if it was just showing up somewhere. Now I'm on fire...and I'm signing up for everything I can because I got a little bit of confidence.
Plus...I realized that people must older than me are aiming to write screenplays.
Plus...I also realized that I'm more creative than I thought I was since my movie ideas blew theirs out of the water.
Confidence breeds success. I'll keep you posted on my dream project.
In the meantime, time's running out. For you. For me.
You see, I have some talents and knowledge that you need if you want to reach all of the financial dreams you have for yourself. And one thing that I found when I attended that workshop was that...I had a really hard time coming back to the office on Monday. In fact, I actually stayed home. When I came in on Tuesday, it was like my left brain (logic/business) shut down since my right brain (creativity) was "open" for a solid 2 days before.
You need to use me for as long as I'm "able" to disperse this powerful money-making information to you.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main