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Success For Life
Saturday, November 17 2012
The Next Piece of Magic...Revealed!!
For the last couple of days I've been revealing some magic to you.
But I'm not done yet.
If you're one of those self-help junkies who read all kinds of new-age-type books, you'll know that there isn't a single book out there that reveals all the details to changing your life.
One of the biggest problems with most of those books is that they elude to a fantasy concept of simply changing something (whether it's your thought process or starting to meditate or thinking positive or chanting or whatever it may be) and your entire life will change.
The problem with this concept is that you can't simply meditate under a banyan tree and expect to have money start raining down on you from the clouds.  Even Stuart Wilde, my favorite new age self-help author, states that you have to function in the marketplace since those are the rules of this earthly incarnation and that no one is mailing you a check from the clouds.  You have to sell some kind of product or service and participate in the market of life if you are going to make money.
Okay, maybe I'm getting a little ahead of myself but you get the point (sort of).  The point is, most of the materials out there are missing some key pieces of information if they are going to change your life.
For the past couple of days I've been leading you up to today (and then there is tomorrow and up to Thanksgiving Day).
So far I've talked about the concept of feeling a deep and genuine sense of gratitude, especially about things in your life that you believe are a "thorn in your side," so to speak.  And I've talked you through a couple of techniques that I work with both in the morning and before I drift off to sleep each night that will help you start turning things around.
Now, I should mention that one of the biggest "things" that stop the flow in your life is not just about focusing on the negative.  (What you think about expands.)  It's also having a sense of anxiety and fear about what you can't readily see.
What does this mean?
Do you have a sense of anxiety about the future?  About the "not knowing" part of it?
I know I did.  Up until recently, that is.
I always had this sense that the other shoe would drop or that something bad is just right around the corner.
If business or my investing activities were slow, I'd feel fearful and anxiety-ridden.
If business or my investing activities were fine and profitable, as they usually are, I'd still feel fearful and anxiety-ridden because I'd be wondering when the next slow wave or "hit" would come.
And these feelings started becoming part of all aspects of life.  I started thinking about weird stuff like my husband suddenly dying or something happening to my daughter or myself getting a terminal illness.
I didn't understand why I kept thinking that either things had to be in a negative cesspool or I'd be wondering when they'd get to that state when things were actually fine.
Once I started constantly thinking about things to be grateful for, I noticed that my personality become more whimsical and relaxed. 
Instead of being so intense, focused, and rushed all the time, I actually started to notice that I'd enjoy being with my daughter.  I finally realized how funny she is by listening to what she had to say rather than being focused on other things to hardly notice the cute innocent things she had to offer.
I started to notice that instead of focusing on negative stuff like what I disliked about the world, I'd be sitting somewhere and absently say to myself..."I really like that dress she's wearing."  Or..."I like the color orange."  Or..."UPS is awesome because of all the packages I get."  Stupid stuff like that.  But "stupid," my friend, is better than negative.  My responses before would have been to pick things apart but now it's different!
And these thoughts are automatic...not "forced" at all.
Plus I even started working less.  Much less.  Almost barely at all, actually.
My first instinct was to believe that everything would fall apart then the next major shift happened.  A thought that made all the difference in the world.
That thought?
Who cares if it does fall apart?
Yes, that's right.  Who cares if it falls apart?!  So freakin' what??
What a sense of freedom that was!
Now, in case you're wondering if I finally lost all my marbles, you'd realize that I've never before ever felt (or been) so "together" as I am right now.
Because I just discovered what it means to let go.
That's right.  Let go!
Nothing bad will happen to you by throwing in the towel on toiling over everything in your life because immediately thereafter you'll realize there's an invisible net to "catch" you and make sure you're set on the right path in the right direction at all times.  This is what happens when you let go and trust that everything will work itself out.
There's magic in being grateful for everything you have and everything you are.  There's magic in moving forward with an action plan you create for yourself.
There's the deepest magic in letting go of your emotional attachment to the outcome.
And the deepest, deepest magic comes in when you trust that it'll work out.
In 100 years from now, you'll be dead.  I don't care how well you take care of yourself, you'll be dead and gone.  Period.
Every worry, point of anxiety, stress, or problem you think you have now won't be worth a damn when you're gone.
Did you ever look at a photo of someone from 100 years ago or longer?
Whenever I look at those old photos, I think of only one thing:  "What is this person toiling about in his or her life?  What is this person's worry?  What is bothering this person at this moment?"
I have a bunch of stock certificates in my office at my house.  Each one is 100 years old or older.  I look at the signatures and I'm in awe.  Why?  Because it was written/signed by a physical person...who isn't here anymore.  And who hasn't been here on this earth for a long time.
Yet their signature is still here.
What's gone is their physical body and all the worries, anxiety, and problems they had at the time they signed the document.  Or took the picture.
At the moment they laid their signature on the page or posed for the picture, they had worries, anxieties, and problems.  All of them did.  (The exception would be children, for the most part.)  Yet none of what they toiled over matters now.  None of it.
This is when I realized I learned how to let go.
A big part of my lesson in letting go was marrying someone who lives 2 time zones away from me without any type of solid plan on when we'll ever reside in the same household.  Just recently, I've let go of that to the point where I'm not attached to any specific outcome nor am I trying to force anything to go either way.  I've learned to let go.
I've let go of my feelings about my companies.  I've let go about being attached to certain deals.  I've let go of my anxiety about not having every element of my immediate future planned out.
I've completely let go.
And strangely, for the first time in my life, I'm free.
I always thought that I could only be free if I met certain goals or paid off my house or acquired a certain amount of property or whatever.
Now I realize that freedom is an inside job and can happen at the snap of a finger.
It can happen for you.  Today.  Right now. recap:
1)  Feel the deepest part of gratitude for everything, especially those things that you now see in a negative light.  And do your gratitude exercises twice daily.
2)  Let go.  Just let go.  Stop feeling scared or anxiety-ridden or worried.  None of it will matter when you're dead.
3)  Trust that it'll work out.
Okay, so that will get life to open up to you.  Your "problems" will quickly find themselves resolved.  Your "issues" will instantly be overcome.
And you'll feel a deep sense of peace.
Now, time to start moving life to work in the direction of your dreams and in getting what you want.
I'll start telling you about that tomorrow!
(I promise.)
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 02:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, November 16 2012
Magical Secrets Revealed!
Yesterday I started a lengthy blog about how I turned my life around from the inside out and what magical secrets I used (starting from a magical book that got the ball rolling).
Since my email yesterday seemed to go on and on, I decided to break this up into 2 emails just to create a magical time for you right before Thanksgiving.
And your life will change if you follow this in detail.
Okay, if you recall yesterday, I was talking about moving energy.  We'll get back into that shortly.
Let's get back to overcoming the chatterbox demons that create fear, negative self-talk, lack of confidence, and self-hatred.  (This is sort of where I left off.)
The opposite of finding everything that's wrong with your life is finding everything that's right with it.
My dad raised me to hate the government.  And I did for a long time until one day I had an emergency with my first husband. 
He was beating me up.  I grabbed for the phone, dialed 9-1-1 and within less than a second he cut the phone cord with the knife he was about to stab me to death with.
Within less than 2 minutes (and I'm not exaggerating), there were several officers at my door.  They saved my life and he was hauled off to jail.
My view of the government changed.
When my dad continues to bitch about the government, I tell him to live somewhere else.  You see, unlike him, I've traveled out of the country quite a few times.  In many countries still even in 2012, there isn't clean running water.
Where else in the world are you going to get clean running water into your home for about $50 a month or less?
When my views about the government changed, the legal entanglements I had with the government also instantly cleared up including a judgement that was almost $2 million on 2 of my 3 credit reports.  Like...almost overnight.
But I still didn't put 2 and 2 together yet.
How difficult is it to find the good in something...anything?
So, I started with my ex-husband who has been the center of most of my misery for the better part of the past few years.
My ex-husband, for the most part, is a decent guy.  He could be worse.  Instead of focusing on what I dislike, I focused on how he gave me a beautiful daughter who is my entire world and means everything to me.  In fact, nothing means more to me than my little girl.  And what a wonderful life-changing gift that is!
Suddenly he started becoming very amicable about custody issues.  He finally got a job (which was the reason we split up) just out of the blue.  He started becoming nicer to me pretty much overnight.  He even agreed to start taking much less money in spousal support.
I'm like..."This must be working!"
Over the past 18 months I've been really upset about one of my companies.  I've been sending so much hatred in the direction of the business.  It has methodically been going down the tubes for the past year and a half because of my negativity and dislike that I've been sending in the form of energy (thoughts) in the direction of the business from hating the products to hating the employees.
Then I started thinking about it.  I began thinking of how grateful I am for being able to service people and having such a profound, positive impact on people's lives with the product line.  I started thinking of the business as a living, breathing entity and feeling a sense of gratitude for what the business has provided for my life both financially and personally.
Within a few days the company completely turned around.
Meanwhile, a brand new company I've been struggling with for the past few months had some grateful feelings injected into it.  I started feeling grateful that I came up with such an awesome product idea and how wonderful it'll feel like to bring it into the marketplace.  I was feeling grateful about what a great job I did on some of the product design and what a gift it is to have an eye for such detail (while enjoying the design process).  I felt grateful for having a staff in place to help me with certain business details.
Within 2 weeks the entire outlook of the business changed from being completely "dead" to getting million-dollar product contracts with wholesale distributor/suppliers.
I've done this "gratitude technique" over and over again with issues such as my marriage, businesses, investing, my body, and everything else that I believed was creating obstacles or negativity for me.
The technique...
What I began doing was listing, in my mind, all the things I am extremely grateful for.  I'd shoot for at least 3 things.  Then I'd add 2 more.  Then I'd try to make it to 10.  I wouldn't write them down.  Instead I'd focus on how I felt and allowed myself to really and truly feel grateful for each one without rushing through a written list.
And I'd do this as I'm going to sleep.
Sometimes I wouldn't start with the major things I'm grateful for.  I'd start with the little things.  I'd choose 3 things that happened in my day that were awesome.  Then I'd try to find a couple more.  Then I'd pick the most awesome thing out of the list I created.
I'd actually feel great, warm, and fuzzy as I started falling asleep instead of sad and full of anxiety as I have been in the years prior.
(By the way, let me mention that when you have sad, depressing, angry, or fearful thoughts all the time, especially all the time before bed, eventually your life starts to come apart at the seams as my life had been.  It really does a lot more damage than you think!)
In the morning, I'd start listing a few things I anticipated as being awesome for that day...even if it was a certain lunch I planned on having!  I'd get pumped up and excited about...anything.  Literally anything big or small!  And if I had nothing particular to look forward to, I'd make sure I'd think about how I'd want a certain project to turn out or about ordering something online and make it a point to add that into my day.
Pretty soon, I started thinking differently.  My mind actually began rejecting negativity.  The second something negative came into my mind, I didn't have to force myself to think "positive."  Instead my mind automatically started wanting to focus on better, more positive outcomes and things that made me happy.
I have a short list of things I need to focus on in order to get me back to that "warm and fuzzy" place of gratitude that has been miraculously shifting my life.  The more times I get to that place, the better and more effortlessly my life tends to flow.
But there's another part to this...the part "they" never talk about.
You know what?
Let's talk about that one tomorrow.
(I promise.)
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:12 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, November 15 2012
Secrets to Changing Your Life with a Little Bit of "Magic"
Not everything in life has to be at a break-neck speed (as things have always been).  Yes, I like movement.  I don't like it when nothing is happening and things are stagnate.
In fact, everyday when I come into the office, I have a ritual.  I turn on music in my bathroom.  (Yes, I play music in the bathroom at my office.)  My fountains are already running.  (They run all the time.)  I turn on all the lights.  I turn on music upstairs where my office is.  The music is usually high energy.  Sometimes I light an incense.
On the surface none of this may make any sense to you.  Below the surface (or in the areas you can't see), it makes a huge difference.
There are several "things" that move energy:
1)  Music (preferably peaceful or high energy)
2)  Fragrance, smoke, or incense
3)  Cleaning, organizing
4)  You physically moving in the environment or exercise
5)  A running fountain (constantly)
6)  Talking, chanting, singing, or yelling
7)  Lights
Moving energy makes things happen.  But sometimes you have to take a step back and say, "Peace, be still."  There can't always be light without darkness.  There can't always be speed without stillness.  There can't always be loud without quiet...otherwise the universe doesn't work properly.  And your life won't work out well either.
Okay, so what the hell am I talking about?
December, for me, is usually a depressing month.  It's not anymore because you are about to discover a powerful secret to change your life forever.  In fact, from now on, you'll start to look forward to December every year.
In order to change anything in your life, you have to start off with understanding the movement of energy in your life.  Energy isn't what you see.  Energy is what you don't see.  It's like looking at the air.  You can't see anything but blank space, yet this is where the most powerful energy forces circulate.  Everything you can see is simply an obstacle to that energy.
Now, I'm not going to go into any lengthy monologue about feng shui or anything like that.  This is different.
I discovered something really powerful and life-changing very recently.  (And by accident.)
I started feeling very...depressed.  I go through these depressive episodes every so often because I've been told that I'm "genetically prone" to depression.  Furthermore, I've been told that when severe situations occur in ones lifetime (loss, divorce, bankruptcy, etc.), it starts to alter the biological interworkings of the brain.
And yes, depression is very real.  It's not a matter of just "snapping out of it" as many non-depression-prone people think.  It's a real brain chemistry disorder that sometimes make people think that even ending their own life is a better prospect than going on anymore.  It's the deepest point of depression that anyone can ever imagine.  (Women would understand this as an especially deep bout of PMS where endless crying for no reason occurs.)
Recently I came to a crossroads.  The holidays are coming up.  My mom's favorite holiday was Thanksgiving, which just passed.  My mom passed away more than 7 years ago.  I'm not talking with my brother.  I never see my dad.  (Don't ask why.)  So, essentially I have no "family" around for the holiday season.
For the first time in many years I made an appointment with a doctor to start back up on anti-depression medications because I thought I "needed" it to make it through the holidays.
The appointment came.  I didn't go.  I didn't see a psychiatrist and I didn't get any medication.
I realized that the reason I was recessing into a depression in the first place was that my thought process needed some work.  We call it "self talk."

Since I bought my beautiful new home this past June, it seemed that the novelty of it had worn off (as with any exterior "fix" we have to enlighten our mood does).  I found myself walking around feeling sorry for myself because my husband lives in Detroit and I don't have anyone around for the holidays.  I have lost my "spark" for training.  My employees have been screwing up lately and I don't even want to go to work anymore.  Everytime I hear from my brother is because he needs money and for no other reason.  I never hear from my dad except when he wants his old job back with my company.  My ex-husband is an ass**** loser who keeps wanting his spousal and child support payments early since he squanders all the money.  Blah, blah, blah...
And finally I'm like...WTF??  Why do I keep depressing myself like this?  Why do I tell myself such awful things?  No wonder I don't want to get out of bed in the morning!
I started reading a book and it changed everything.  I'm not going to tell you the name of the book because it only offered a small fraction of what I needed to implement in order to change everything.  But the book started the ball rolling and everything else automatically fell into place.
Since (at the time) we were coming up on Thanksgiving, I started forcing my focus in a new direction.
Starting immediately (and it was at night when I had this realization), I began to "train" myself to think about different stuff.

And no, this isn't some corny "positive thinking" deal.  (That's crap, by the way, and if you've done any work with "self-help" then you already know it doesn't work.)
I started to change my self-talk topics.  I stopped imagining myself as a victim being bullied by life and everyone in it.
I started regaining my power back.
Sometimes the mass population will see a successful person as powerful and "together" without realizing the daily or minute-to-minute demons they face.
I'm a fan of the rapper Eminem.  He is an extremely focused, intense, and seemingly fearless.  Yet it didn't surprise me that he wanted to kill himself or that he overdosed on drugs.
Most people who seem fearless, focused, and "together" usually aren't at all. 
Including myself.
Even though people can be confident, fearless, focused, and good at what they do, the "off time" is where the negative internal chatter comes in.  And it ruins confidence, focus, and everything else.
This is the part we all can control.
The demons in our chatterbox minds (I'm not talking about real "demons" so don't think I'm a weirdo or anything) will pick apart at our weak points.  Lack of confidence.  Worry.  Anxiety.  Fear.
And at night it's worse because our defense mechanisms, energy forces, and confidence levels are down.  It's the worst when we are alone or with someone who is chiseling with their own negative chatter toward us.
So, here's what I started doing a few weeks back and my entire world, business, and energy has completely changed like magic...
You know, I just realized that this email has run on forever.  I'm going to tell you about the additional magic tomorrow!  (I promise.)
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 05:22 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, July 27 2012
The Busboy Who Stole $5
It's amazing how fast two decades can fly by.
Last weekend I stopped into a Ruby's restaurant in Orange County with Ronnie and our 4 collective children.  The last time I had been in this one particular Ruby's was when I worked there at the young age of 20.
This was a job that I had gotten fired from, mind you.
Monica?  Fired?  How could that be?
Well, I got fired from most of my jobs, usually by bucking authority or disagreeing with the narrow-minded dweebs who called themselves "high ranking" assistant managers or supervisors.
Anyway, working at Ruby's was one such job whereas I got terminated shortly after I started working there.
I worked as a waitress.  My mom came into the place to visit with me and eat while I was on shift.  She left me a $5 tip.  I know she did because I saw the money sitting on the table as she got up to leave.
This busboy went to the table.  Cleaned the table.  And he also pocketed my $5 tip.
I went to the manager on duty, told him what I saw, and the busboy was called into the small office in the back.  Of course, the busboy denied the thievery.  I stated the fact which was that I saw the money on the table and then it was gone when everything was cleaned off by this particular busboy.
I don't remember all the exact details because we tend to quickly let go of things in our minds that have no overall relevance to the larger picture in our lives but somehow between the confrontation and the end of my shift, I was terminated.
The busboy got to keep his job that day.
And apparently he got to keep his job for another 18 years.
Because when I went back to the restaurant for the first time this past weekend, the same busboy who stole my $5 tip was still working there!!
It made me laugh.  Here I am, a multi-millionaire several times over and this thief was still working at the same old restaurant almost 20 years later.
Let's just call that "karma" and leave it at that.
It made me think about a lot of things including why I've been so successful while others hang onto a life that is, well...worthless.
Fear is why most people never move beyond their comfort zones or ever do better in their lives.  Lack of direction and know-how (or confidence) is the other reason.
This restaurant incident made me start recollecting the events that took place in the past couple of decades that made me the success story that I am today. 
And 2 things became abundantly clear:
1)  I've never been afraid to take risks, think outside of the box, or try different business ventures.
2)  I kept trying new things, businesses, strategies, and techniques until something would work!  (Most people give up after one or two tries with something.)
I also started thinking about something really amazing.
Being successful is easy.  If anyone took away every dime I have right now, I'd be able to start a business out of my garage and be up to anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000 a month by the end of next month. 

And this includes taking away all of my current customer database!
Basically I can start from scratch and perhaps borrowing a few hundred dollars and I'd be back on my feet in 30 days!
This includes being able to cover all of my bills, 2 ridiculously high car payments, a mortgage, insurance, credit cards, and even have extra for my outrageous spending habits!  (Okay, they aren't that outrageous get the point!)
One thing I wish I knew back when I started that I know now is how to take that excess cash and inject it into all cash foreclosure deals.  That was my biggest mistake.
And that's why I'm bringing this to you.
I would be so much further ahead in life, financially and otherwise, if I just knew what to do.
So, now that I know what to do and how to do it, I'm going to be passing that knowledge onto you!
So...what are you going to be doing?
#1:  Making some quick cash with a very simple home-based business.
#2:  Injecting that cash into 100% all-cash REO foreclosure deals, having no mortgage and a huge monthly passive income.
And you're going to be doing this in 36 months or less.
Okay, so, I'm sure you're thinking you've heard all this before.  And maybe you have. 
What I haven't introduced yet is my New Wealth Ninja Complete Course...
Until now, that is.
When I first started my "experiment" by making myself my own "case study" to outline a book that I planned on writing about getting wealthy in our "new economy," I decided to start a small "home-business" from scratch.
After all, I wanted to prove to anyone that these techniques are possible for anyone to do in today's economy using today's technological tools.
This "experiment" turned into quite a profitable little enterprise...much bigger and larger than I ever anticipated.
I jotted down my notes (as any "case study" would) and created the New Wealth Ninja Complete Course...which is finally done!
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 02:03 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, July 17 2012
Best Areas to Invest in the United States (2012)
Every 6 months or so (or whenever the market changes) I like to do a video on the best areas to invest in real estate in the United States.
I just completed the video and it's now ready for you to view (and take notes).  Click on the link below:
If you're stuck and don't know where to start investing, this video will shed some light including which types of properties in which areas to focus in on.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 03:43 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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