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Success For Life
Sunday, September 25 2016

The other day I indicated my second and last chance to work with an investor partner who is doing now both real estate as well as business loans.  Those of you who have the 2016/2017 Raising Capital Course will already have this resource won't be able to apply for a business loan until October 1st.  Also, this opportunity to apply for this new type of loan only lasts until December 31st.  After that date, business loan applications with this particular investor will no longer be accepted.

Now, let me explain more about these loans and how they work:

I have an investor partner who wanted to do deals directly with my students.  At first he only wanted to do partnerships but then decided to offer real estate loans (for down payments).  He's been doing A LOT more loans than partnerships.  I've had hundreds of students who missed the deal asking if I'd offer this investor opportunity once more.  I told them that I'd have to wait to get permission to do it.  When talking to my investor about the tally of partnerships and loans so far, I asked him if he'd consider doing some business loans too since he's doing real estate loans.  He said, "Yes.  But only for a few months."

We committed to a date range for these business loans that will be from October 1st through December 31st.  Then the special application link will be pulled immediately thereafter, disallowing for more business loans.  These are loans for business start-ups or expansions.  Maybe you want to buy an existing business or start a business.  This is exactly what this newest loan program is for but it's ONLY for 3 months and that's it.  You have 3 months to get your business application in with this one investor partner of mine.  However, he'll still be doing real estate loans and partnerships until August 2017.

Now, those of you who got the Raising Capital Course for 2016/2017 were the luckiest bunch because you have access to the partnership side AND the loan side (including this new loan opportunity).  For those who procrastinated, I'm offering you the loan side (but not the partnership side) as a bonus with my Build Business Credit FAST! 2017 System.

You'll also get a BRAND NEW equity partner who is looking for large-scale (multi-millon dollar) deals and there are no deadlines on getting your application in for this.  AND I'm also providing 5 BRAND NEW business loan sources who specialize in giving loans to new businesses where the principle (you) may have poor personal credit.  These are sources I've never before revealed to my students to date and they, too, have no deadlines as well!

CLICK HERE to find out more about this once-in-a-lifetime OPM (Other People's Money) opportunity that ends VERY SOON!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:02 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, September 23 2016

Happy fall, everyone!  (This is my favorite season!)

Today I had a Viper Wealth call and I had several students asking me about my investor partner who is working directly with my students and how the deals are going.  So...this afternoon I called him to confirm how he's doing with both the investor partnership and loan deals with my students.

This is the info I got:

  • 3 closed real estate deals
  • 2 properties under contract
  • 16 loans funded

And more deals to come!

I asked him when he'd like to start doing business loans (and not loans for real estate).  He told me, "Anytime!"

So, yes.  Now he's ready.

For those of you who (foolishly) didn't take advantage of the LAST opportunity to get involved with this investor partner, now you can.  (This will be your last shot to be able to use him for loans, as this opportunity goes away permanently to new students next week.)

CLICK HERE and in my audio seminar I tell you all about this program and how it can make you rich by, of course, using OPM or Other People's Money.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 12:01 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, September 03 2016

Over the years people have asked me to summarize how to become a successful real estate investor and are usually sorely disappointed to find out that I cannot stuff all of these "secret strategies" inside one short paragraph, or on the back of a Chinese fortune for that matter.

But I can give you some overall strategies that will clearly pinpoint how to become a successful cash flowing real estate entrepreneur.  Five to be exact.

Here they are...

#1.  Decide on some type of Passive Income Asset that can keep giving you a positive cash flow month after month, year after year.  This means narrowing down your type of what we call an "asset class" down to something that can give you this type of income.  This also means avoiding those other pesky types of real estate investing opportunities that I put into the Aggressive Income category such as flipping property because this robs you of (a) long-term cash flow, and (b) valuable tax write-off benefits.  I recommend investors new to the Passive Income game to think about and seriously consider residential-commercial acquisitions, namely apartment building investing or mobile home park (MHP) investing since this type of investing can give substantial monthly cash flows while helping you weather through recessions unlike other types of Passive Income Assets such as office space or industrial/warehouse properties.

#2.  Find your ideal "farming area" or area in which you will be building your real estate "empire."  This will be ONE area only and CAN be 1,000+ miles away from where you live.  (I'll explain in a minute why you don't have to be anywhere near your assets.)  Most newbie real estate investors start local to where they live.  This is natural because they want to see the properties and have more of a hands-on approach to their property management.  Plus, since most newbie investors get involved in flipping, they kind of need to be local to the property if they're going to do minor or extensive rehabbing on the property.  Since you're getting involved in Passive Income Assets, you don't need to be in the same city in which you will invest.  This gives you the freedom to literally go anywhere in the country to invest.  I originally discovered this freedom back in 2001 when I realized that investing in my tri-county area (Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties) were just not that profitable.  And forget about venturing down to Orange County or up to Ventura County where properties were ultra-expensive, giving no cash flow even if I were to give up 50% cash down to secure the deal.  This is when I started investing on the gulf side of Florida then expanding upwards through the middle portion of the state...until I ended up in Georgia where some of my most profitable deals have come to fruition.  You have to go where the cash flow is.  Plain and simple.  It's smart and definitely a manageable strategy IF you know how to pull it off.

#3.  Getting the money and financing for your deals is quite possibly the most challenging aspect of real estate investing, especially for new investors who don't have any contacts or access to private investors.  This is the secret to breaking into the business: getting the financing, getting the credit, getting the loans, and getting these fiscal resources together.  Many people don't realize that they have access to more resources and contacts than they know.  Others just need some doors opened up for them to get them started.  The ideal way to acquire a cash flowing property deal is to have the 20% cash down and to have decent credit (700+ FICO) to be able to get approval for the mortgage financing.  This is why I have extensively taught my Aggressive Income Strategies throughout this entire year (to this point) because it has allowed my students to raise this cash to get involved in these deals.  But even I don't like using my own money for deals if I can help it.  And that's when the benefits of understanding the art of raising capital becomes extremely valuable.  For my students who think raising capital is hard, think again.  It's much easier than you think once you understand the simple steps behind it that are required.

#4.  Create or find a good management company to manage your out-of-state assets.  This is HOW you're able to invest anywhere.  You have somebody else doing it for you whether it's your own management company that you created or a management service.  Many of my newbie students freak out when I tell them to buy property out of state.  They're first questions are about looking at the properties and managing them.  Okay, so you will have to get on a plane here and there to look at and acquire your properties.  (Most escrow and closings can be done via FedEx.)  You'll want to look at, say, 12 to 15 properties at a time when you fly out until you quickly realize that, since this game is all about the cash flow, looking at properties becomes a complete waste of time.  (You have contractors and property inspectors who are professionals in their field look at these properties since, chances are, you are not an expert in state building codes in the state you will be acquiring properties nor are you an expert on determining if there is structural viability to the properties you are viewing...nor are you an expert in the neighborhoods in which the properties are located.  It takes a few trips to your farming area to realize that you really do have to rely on EXPERTS to do this work for you and that you looking at properties yourself really does nothing valuable in the process at all.)

#5.  Understand the reality on what it takes to get rich in cash flowing investments.  BUY AND HOLD FOREVER.  Yes, that's right.  Buy the property and hang onto it until you're 6 fee under and it doesn't matter to you anymore.  You only need a handful of small apartment buildings to get rich.  Between 5 and 10 properties is all you need to be set for life.  Rents typically will DOUBLE in most areas of the country every 15 to 18 years.  And by flowing more of your profits back into each property by paying down the principle of each mortgage, you'll be able to pay each property off within 10 years.  Imagine your cash flow in 15 years with doubled rents and no mortgage!  Exactly.  THIS is why you never let those properties go.  Not ever!

So...time to get to investing.  Starting now.  CLICK HERE.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:36 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, September 01 2016

I was shocked when I received an email from my investor partner (the one who is working directly with my students...for the first time ever) and he informed me that he agreed to do a loan for $960,000 on a property deal in California.  I wasn't sure what shocked me more.  That he actually held true to his promise of giving up to $1 million for a short-term 18-month loan or that this is the 6th loan he's done in the past 3 weeks for my students who are working directly with him.

For those of you who missed out on working with this investor partner, that sucks for you.  It really was a rare opportunity.


I'm allowing more students to participate with direct partnerships with him.  This is for those of you who will be personally trained by me in understanding EVERY element of cash flowing real estate...starting on September 22nd when the training will begin.

You see, this investor partner is doing more loans than partnership deals.  His reasoning is that most of the partnership deals coming through are being presented by students who "clearly have no idea as to what they're doing" (his exact words as per his email).  And being that I hadn't done any real estate mentorship groups at all this entire year (or for about a year, for that matter), I decided to take this opportunity to do an 8-week online mentorship group with 8 weekly 60- to 90-minute (each) webinar trainings to show you exactly what you need to know (from beginning to end) on finding, analyzing, and securing your first piece of cash flowing investment real estate.

If you didn't listen to my audio seminar yet on this special upcoming group, CLICK HERE NOW.

At the very end of this group, all participating students will be able to submit up to 3 deals within 30 days after the group ends.  The beauty of this entire thing is that each student in the group will fully understand exactly how to find and present these deals to him, dramatically increasing the odds of their deals being accepted from about, say roughly, 10% to 20% (without the training) to 80% or higher (I'm guessing, of course) because of the intense training behind them on how to get it done.

Reality is, investors want to work with people who they feel they can trust with a deal...someone who seems like they know what they're doing.  And if you're failing in one of the many components from presenting the numbers of the deal to looking professional then you're dead in the water, even if you have the greatest cash flowing deal since the crash of the market and getting something for pennies on the dollar.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:53 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, August 28 2016

For those of you who purchased the Raising Capital System along with the special bonus of working directly with one of my investor partners for both loans and direct partnerships, all courses were shipped last week so if you didn't get yours yet, it's coming in the mail soon.

I already sent out the contact information to my special investor so that those who got in on this deal could contact him ASAP without waiting for the course to be printed and shipped.  This was a good move on my part -- sending out his contact info beforehand -- because he's already done 2 loans and put 1 apartment building partnership deal under contract.  Not bad for only 2 weeks in on this program.

But last week my investor contacted me with a complaint.  (I knew it was coming and he was thoroughly warned about how some of my students can be.  Some are uneducated about real estate investing, don't know what they're doing while begging for a "mentor," have poor communication skills, or have a pompous attitude problem.  Worst case, he'll get all of those qualities in one single student, probably driving him to instant insanity.)  His complaint was that it seemed a lot of my students were "wet behind the ears" when it came to submitting deals or loan requests.  Again, he was warned.  He just didn't realize that this would encompass 99% of the submissions he's received so far.

This is, of course, resulting in a lot of rejected partnership and loan requests.  Unlike myself who will take the time to explain what the problem is with a submission, my investor will just delete the request without any follow-up or notice to my student.  So, yes, this is a great benefit to students who know what they're doing: being able to submit directly to one of my investor partners has to be one of the most valuable opportunities I've ever offered to my students.  But what's the benefit of something so valuable if some students simply don't know what to do with it?

Maybe you've noticed but we're rolling up quite quickly to the end of this year (already)!  I can't believe school started for my daughter already and that we're already talking about Halloween costumes.  Somebody reminded me on Facebook that there are only X amount of Fridays left before Christmas...and this was over a month ago.  There are much fewer now like 17 Fridays to be exact.  I just counted.

I was talking to Rose the other day and realized that I hadn't done ANY real estate related mentorship groups this entire year.  I got a late start, not doing my first mentorship until the spring.  All 3 of my groups so far had nothing to do with real estate.  The first was my Money Funnel Mentorship followed by my Success Breakthrough & Transformation and finally my Distribution Profit Money Funnel Mentorship, which is still going on right now.

Between my investor whining about how my students don't seem to know what their doing and coming to grips with the reality that I haven't run ANY type of real estate trainings online in the past year, I think it's time now.  It's time to do an 8-week online real estate mentorship group.  In the very least, I have to bring many of my new students up to speed on what to do, how to get started, and how to profit from apartment building real estate which, of course, is the best kind of passive income there is.  And for my older students who should know everything by now, maybe it's time the enroll in a refresher course.

Effective 2016, I've done a complete make-over on how my mentorship groups are being conducted.  In years past, I'd give daily assignments for 8 weeks, sparing webinars (if any at all), a handful of IM sessions and sometimes I'd do phone consulting sessions.  But the groups I run now are completely different.  Each week there is a thorough webinar training that runs between 60 and 90 minutes long, each week.  After each webinar session, I send out what's called an Action Sheet where there are a listing of tasks that were covered in the webinar session that all must be completed before my students are able to participate in the next webinar training.  For those who can't make the trainings, each webinar is recorded then uploaded into a members-only password-protected access page where the video, PDF of the presentation and the Action Sheets for each week are located.

These groups are intense but extremely effective.  And this next group is the first and only real estate group for 2016.

CLICK HERE for details on enrolling in this one-time-only 2016 real estate group that will show you everything you need to know to start successfully investing in apartment buildings.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

​​​​​​​Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:32 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, August 04 2016

I actually had a student of mine who wants to take advantage of the opportunity where he can get as much cash as he wants from my investor partner without stating what the money is for.  He didn't understand why there needed to be accountability, especially since he wanted a quick $250,000 for "something that's not really his business," as the email droned on.

Really?  So, he wants to ask an investor for $250,000 and it's NOT my investor's business to know what the money will be for?  Even worse, this student was angry that he had to validate what this money would be for.  I even asked him point blank what the money was going to be for and he refused to furnish an answer.

Hmmmm...I don't know.  Maybe he wants to make sure that he's not using the money for supplies in that meth-cooking enterprise he plans on starting in a pop-up camper in the middle of the desert.  After all, there needs to be SOME accountability for the funds here.  And for anyone who doesn't understand that, please note, this opportunity is definitely NOT for you.

We're in the business world here.  If you go to any bank or lender without any track record and ask for $250,000 cash for any type of business enterprise or activities, they will ALL ask you what the money is for.  Period.  THAT, my friend, is how the business world works.  And if you cannot provide these people with an answer, you won't get the cash.  Simple.

After that, this student demanded that I send him the information to get in touch directly with my investor to get this loan.  Remember, this is the one asking for $250,000 and refuses to divulge why he needs or wants the money. The answer was no, of course.  And it's only for my students who want to learn how to work with investor partners which means they have to go through my course materials first.  And he doesn't want to learn anything.  He just wants somebody he can dial up to get cash wired into his account without explaining to anyone what the money is for.  And that ain't gonna fly.

For those of you who want to follow the rules and who understand that this money is for real estate deals only, CLICK HERE or go to to get this valuable investor contact information.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 01:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, August 02 2016

My new investor partner will do loans from $100,000 to $1,000,000 and it's to be used for a down payment on a cash flowing piece of property.  He will take an equity stake in the property or put a lien on it if you'll be just using him for loan purposes only.  This will all be dependent on what type of arrangement you strike up with him and a lot of it has to do with the property itself.  Again, each deal is take by a case by case basis and has NOTHING to do with me at all.  I make no decisions in this.  I won't even be seeing any of the deals unless he needs my advise about something, namely you and what you're all about as a student of mine.

For more information on how this all works and how you can start tapping into this cash for your deals, CLICK HERE.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:04 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, July 31 2016

The other day I had prompted my students to listen to a powerful audio seminar because I didn't feel as if writing about it would do much justice.

Of course, I should have known better.

People will only listen to about 5 seconds before filling their blanks with their own fantasies about how all of this works.

To be clear, this is in reference to my investor partner who has just recently given me the green light to allow my students to directly submit deals to him.  Yes, this is phenomenal because this has NEVER happened in the last dozen plus years I've been working with some of these guys.  But not only is he offering direct partnerships, he's also doing loans for down payments and rehab on property deals as well.

So, I'll give you the 30-second elevator pitch on what you need to know about my investor partner who wants to work directly with a handful of my students:

1)  He's offering direct access to himself to submit deals through a special password protected website that will ONLY be offered to those who get the 2016/2017 Raising Capital Course Upgrade.

2)  He's also offering a loan program where he'll lend cash on property deals provided that he can get an equity stake or put a lien on the property deal.  This means that you cannot ask for money for anything else OTHER than a piece of property.  Period.  I'm not sure how to make this any more clear.  He's not offering money for businesses or other enterprises right now.  (This could change in the near future but for now it's all about CASH FLOWING property deals.


Now, let me explain a little bit about how each one works so that you have a better perspective on this direct partnership.

You'll start with a cash flowing property deal on either side of the coin (for partnership or a loan).  You CANNOT submit for a partnership or loan without a deal otherwise you won't be able to submit.  The system won't let you.  The way the website is set up is that each box must be filled in with the appropriate information otherwise nothing can be submitted.  That's the beauty of this whole thing.  You'll be able to submit directly to this investor partner (and this is the FIRST TIME I've ever offered this option).  But you have to have your deal, numbers, and other critical information FIRST otherwise the deal CANNOT be submitted.  Simple.

I've already had students ask me a bunch of stuff about whether he'll fund a business, cars, private homes, etc.  I think I was pretty clear in the audio seminar that he won't do any of this stuff.  So, again, if I wasn't clear, I'm aiming to be clear now.  No businesses, no cars, no private homes, and nothing isn't CASH FLOW INVESTMENT real estate related.  No exceptions.

And finally, this is a brand new pilot program that I've never offered to my students so I don't know how long we'll offer this.  It's ONLY available to those who get the 2016/2017 Raising Capital Course because this password-protected website with all of it's information is located in my resource directory.  And no, this actually WASN'T my idea.  My investor stated that he didn't want droves of people doing this and that I needed to figure out a way to weed out the tire-kickers and people who don't understand how to work with investors so it was my idea to implement this in my upcoming Raising Capital course upgrade where I thoroughly train all of my students in how to work with investors.  So, it actually worked out beautifully.

CLICK HERE to get in on this very rare opportunity right now before it's too late!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:36 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, July 29 2016

This is the FIRST TIME this has ever happened.

But it's too exciting and requires a specific explanation for me to properly convey just how BIG this is.

CLICK HERE to listen to my audio seminar explaining how this can change your life!

More to come...

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 02:18 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, July 19 2016

The other day I gave you a short list of 3 of my most powerful success strategies.  Then yesterday I thought about something. I'm perhaps missing one of the most powerful of them all.


Not tithing exactly, even though that counts.  But I'm referring to giving to others.

Now, the issue I have with tithing to an organized sect or church is that, for many people, it feels like an "obligatory" type of deal.  When anything feels like you're obligated in doing it, immediately it loses all power.  Period.  No exceptions.  Again, I'm not saying tithing is bad.  Not at all.  But do an "inner check" with yourself to make sure that you feel like you're providing a great service to your church and that the act makes you feel great to the pit of your stomach...or not.  The second it doesn't feel anything more than an obligation means that you need to change it up.

There's only one place I've ever felt I've received pure blessings in return for the money I give and that is giving to someone who has nothing but the shirt on his back.  Yes, I'm one of those people who routinely gives to the people who stand on street corners with cardboard signs.  Yes, some of them are scammers, alcoholics, and drug addicts.  So what?  That has nothing to do with MY intentions, only theirs.  My intention is to help another human being who is in need and that is where the universal power comes in.  It matters not in what they do with the money afterward as long as my feelings toward it (to help them out) is there 100%.  (To be clear, I don't help absolutely everyone standing around with a cardboard sign.  I "feel them out" with my gut to see if I want to give to them or not.  I trust my intuition in that way.)

Whenever I give to someone who has nothing to their name, I get the greatest blessings from them starting with the first words from their mouth and their first reaction in getting the money.  Usually they sit there with nobody helping out or, even worse, when people feel the need to insult them for asking for money.  So, when a kind face comes with a hand full of money, it surprises them.  Then, almost always, I get a "God bless you" from them.  And it's genuine from the base of their being.  And I receive that energy, making me feel great.  Then I'm blessed in so many ways because of that energy flow.

This is why I don't like traditional "tithing."  The word itself means a tenth...or a tenth of your income.  So, it almost seems like a forced payment plan in a way when donating precisely 10% of what you make (gross) to a specific church organization.  When things are that structured, the magic begins to dwindle just in the habit part alone.  But when you donate money with your best intent and heart in the gift, you are blessed much, much more than any other format out there.

If you're not sure about what I'm talking about, the next person that you see standing there with a sign and nothing to his name, reach into your pocket and pull out a five or ten...or a twenty dollar bill, if you feel so inclined.  And pay attention to what is happening within yourself when you do it.  Pay attention to the blessing that you feel from the person receiving the money.  And most importantly, revel in the feelings you have when you receive that blessing from the recipient of the money.  They are always most grateful and the feelings within you send you to the mood with happiness and elation.

Here's what happens:

When all of these energies start flying around -- starting from your desire to give the gift to the deep sense of gratitude from the recipient to your feelings of elation from being able to help someone -- the universe responds with gifts to you.  It all works like a big giant vacuum.  Nothing can go "empty" for long in the universe.  So, technically, your giving money to someone in great need causes this sense of "empty" as far as the energy goes in the universe.  You're $20 lighter...or whatever you gave to the recipient.  This allows for the universe to "rush in" to replace it, usually at least 10 fold but many times much, much more depending on the levels of energy flow between you and the recipient.  I've seen returns of 100 fold or higher in some cases.  The good news is that it's pretty immediate.

Here's the slippery slope though.  You can't give with the sole intent to get something without any other intentions otherwise this doesn't work.  You can't say to yourself, "I'm gonna give twenty bucks to that bum over there so I'll win the lottery tonight."  Not gonna happen!  But if you're intent is to truly help that person (and it's not only money that helps, you know), the energy intention behind it is absolutely everything in this universal equation.

Don't believe what I'm saying?  Test it out.  The next person you see holding a sign asking for money, IF you feel inclined to help this person then dig into your pocket and come up with some dough.  Give it to him (or her) and feel the energy that comes from the transaction.  As you walk away, you'll feel lighter and happier.  This, in and of itself, creates more energy and this positive energy pulls to you everything that is in alignment with your soul, your needs, and your life's path.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main 

Posted by: Monica Main AT 09:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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