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Success For Life
Wednesday, February 17 2021

I'm a Gen Xer, sandwiched nicely between the Baby Boomers and the Millennials.  We're the under-rated generation, born between the mid-1960s and the early 1980s.  A lot of us got our work ethic from our Baby Boomer parents while being able to easily adapt to the introduction and constant tweaking of technology.  We're also able to adapt to the swift changes in the economy, implementing "old school" and "new school" together to make something "awesome-school."  (I know, that's pretty lame sounding.)

So, what's the point of all this?

Many Baby Boomers are retiring or already retired.  They hold the vast majority of the wealth in this country and have the most disposable income.

But soon they'll be dying off.  In fact, the older portion of this generation already are.  It will be within the next decade or two before the vast majority are gone from this earth.

Then we have Generation X which is my generation.  There aren't nearly as many of us as there are the Baby Boomer generation.  Yes, we will inherit a lot of the Baby Boomer's wealth as they pass away and we generate our own impressive incomes in many cases.  So, we'll be replacing the Baby Boomers BUT NOT IN SUCH LARGE NUMBERS.  Imagine cutting the Baby Boomer population down to 25% (or less) and that's what you have with the amount of populous falling in the Generation X generation.

Not an impressive number AT ALL.

So, yes, per person the spending power will still be there just like with the Baby Boomers except that there aren't nearly as many of us to sell stuff to.


Drop down to the "lost in space" Millennial generation who have eyeballs glued to their iPhones and iPads all day, making actually "working" in any job environment a full blown joke, demanding things like "Peace Pods" so that they can zip themselves away from their work space to take frequent breaks from the "stresses" of answering the telephone and emails (even if they need a break every 20 minutes), and requiring "specialty" workforce "trainers" to help the normal folk (like us) figure out how the hell to deal with these people (the Millennials) INCLUDING having to hire "pep" consultants to keep these little shits motivated and happy all day.

I'll tell you how things are going to play out because it's already leaning HEAVILY in this direction:

1)  Any company that manufactures ANYTHING will end up going overseas because (a) they won't have a large enough work force who actually wants to work or produce, (b) it's just TOO EXPENSIVE to make anything in the USA with increased wages, insurance requirements, regulations, etc., and (c) it's much cheaper and business-friendly in many countries outside of the USA.

2)  Once the Baby Boomers all retire, our competent workforce will diminish down to us Gen Xers which, as I just explained, do NOT have the population size to replace that of the Baby Boomer generation, slicing the competent workforce down to about 25% or less.  Yes, yes...I KNOW.  Almost everyone knows that "one guy" or that "one chick" who is a Millennial who is a hard worker.  So what?  ONE or TWO isn't going to account for the necessity of needing MILLIONS of these people to get off their lazy asses and get things done without Peace Pods, pep talks by a "motivator" daily at their desks, or having to [GASP] stop looking at their iPhones for more than 10 minutes while trying to -- I don't know -- get some work done, perhaps?  And you'd be hard pressed to name 5 Millennials off the top of your head that ARE hard-workers.  (Even five aren't enough to make the world go around.)

3)  Millennials aren't going to be able to qualify for the types of incomes needed to live in areas like Los Angeles, New York, or other high-priced areas.  Many will move to smaller towns in places like Northern California, Oregon, etc.  OR...they'll be living with their enabling Gen Xer parents forever because living out on their own will simply not be affordable anytime in their near future.

Tech jobs will always need Millennials.  Yes.  Millennials find these types of jobs easy, which is good.  BUT...not all jobs are as easy as lounging around in a Peace Pod between making a few clicks of the computer mouse all day.

There STILL is a requirement for LABOR jobs, SALES jobs, and SERVICE jobs...many of which are completely UNDESIRABLE to the Millennials.

I remember reading an article about a company called Caterpillar based in Illinois who manufacturers construction machinery.  Their biggest problem?  Getting new sales reps.  They stated that the average sales rep does somewhere in the low six-figures each year but they CANNOT get the Millennials to take these jobs.

Same problem with skilled workers like many of the construction trades.  Can't get Millennials to want to pick up a hammer or turn a bolt.

Same problem with the car repair industry.

And on and on and on we go with this.

Those Millennials who ARE skilled in labor trades will make A LOT of money, especially those who have skills in both a labor trade AND technology (especially software).  After all, somebody is going to have to service all of those robots flipping burgers at all the fast food chains when all the fast food owners decide that they're not paying people $15 an hour plus insurance plus sick days plus this and that for FLIPPING BURGERS. 

So, if you DO have a Millennial in your midst, have him or her TAKE ON A SKILLED TRADE, ideally with knowledge of BOTH skilled labor and technology combined.  Because, if you think about it, we'll always need people to build houses, fix airplanes, maintain computers, build and service windmills and other green power and, of course, treat people in the area of medicine (nurses, doctors, pharmacy techs, etc.).  A skilled trade -- ideally with technology or software knowledge -- OR a career in medicine somewhere is the FUTURE for Millennials who want to get paid BIG BUCKS in a career.  So the Millennial generation is all about LABOR and TECHNOLOGY.

If your Millennial isn't doing any of the above, just expect to support him or her to live in your basement sponging money off of you until you are given the gift of an escape (death) because that's just the way it'll be (if it's not that way for you already).

Then there's Generation Z (those born 2005 and after).  This is my daughter's generation.  I'm REALLY hoping that these kids pull it together because the Millennials are so freaking lost that it isn't funny.  With my daughter, she already wants to be a teacher.  Even though it doesn't pay a lot, I'm pretty confident that teachers will still be around in the next several decades.  I do tell her to tell her friends to get involved in medicine and science, mainly to help us save our planet.  Because curing cancer (and other diseases), bio technology (yes, blending BIOLOGY with TECHNOLOGY) and saving the planet is where the money will be in HER generation.  So her generation will be about SCIENCE as well as LABOR (of course...when is it not about labor?)

If you're concerned about yourself and how you'll survive our upcoming recession (hitting most areas of the country in 2021) AND trying to get your Millennial on track with a much more solid future that CAN give him/her/them a cash flow for decades to come WITHOUT having to worry about a job, technology...or even being lazy:  CLICK HERE!  I have a solution for you, your kids and your grandkids to get you the income you want without having to figure anything else out.

CLICK HERE for a powerful video!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:25 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, February 13 2021
My Forecast for 2021...This May Surprise You!

You can probably tell by the picture that I don't have high hopes for this year's economic forecast.

I think I mentioned it before but I predict that 2021 will be the year of the bankruptcy.  Not only have a ton of CEOs from various well-known Fortune 500 companies have resigned from their positions but most are posting staggering losses due to being closed or partially closed during 2020.

Recently I took my daughter to the mall and noticed that quite a few stores closed down.  The Gap and Banana Republic were emptying their stores out as we walked through.  It was kind of depressing seeing so many empty stores and I couldn't help but to think about what was happening throughout the U.S.

This is just the tip of the iceberg on what we have to expect as the year rolls on.

First of all, for those of you who don't have a clue as to how real estate works, let me give you a crash course on what happens when you cannot pay your rent or mortgage (due to an economic crunch like what we're experiencing now).

If you're at the bottom -- paying rent to a landlord -- and you're suddenly not paying rent, the landlord may or may not be able to maintain their mortgage payments depending on how many of their other tenants are (or aren't) paying.

Not all landlords are fat cat multi-billionaires; most are just mom-and-pop landlords who don't have the financial stability to make up for lost rent payments by continuing to pay a mortgage with no money in the bank.  And, unfortunately, some of these property owners paid top dollar at market peaks, putting them squarely underwater on their properties.

While there is still an eviction and foreclosure moratorium in place, how long do you think that's going to last?  Forever?  If that's what you're thinking, think again.  That's just not how the real world works.

Some people actually think a mortgage works like a car payment where, if you miss a few payments, the lender can simply throw those payments onto the back of the loan.  I laugh when I hear that because that is not how mortgages work.  Missing payments cannot simply be thrown onto the back of a loan.

So...once the foreclosure/eviction moratorium ends, this is what will happen:

1)  All property owners will have no choice but to quickly evict all dead-beat tenants as soon as humanly possible in a grand last-ditch effort to save their properties.

2)  These property owners who are behind on mortgage payments will either have to (a) refinance to get a new loan for their property (probably at a higher interest rate), or (b) the bank will foreclose.

What does this mean in the scheme of things?

It means that we're in for a replay of 2008.  Remember 2008?  If not, look it up.  It wasn't pretty.

The good news is that if you have cash for foreclosure deals, you'll be able to pick up smaller investment properties (the ones the multi-millionaires and billionaires don't want) for pennies on the dollar.

The bad news is that you'll need cash to pull this off.  You won't be able to get instant funding to pull off these property purchases.

And I have a way for you get make that cash.

CLICK HERE to watch a short 5-minute video on how you can gain massive financial traction by raising money with a simple easy-to-do home-based business that can get you all the cash you want so...

...when that foreclosure windfall hits, you'll be able to pull out that wad of cash from your pocket and buy any of these income properties for a song because you'll have the money to do it while everybody else is dead broke.

CLICK HERE to find out my incredible plan for helping you become financially independent during this hardcore economic depression coming up.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:27 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, February 10 2021

Not a good week so far!  Ugh!!

On Monday my daughter was feeling sick.  I called her school (yes, my daughter is in school) and asked the nurse if there was anything going around the school except Covid-19.  She said a few students thought they had strep throat but they all tested negative.  Otherwise...just seasonal allergies.

Great.  That was NO HELP at all.

I described the symptoms my daughter had which were stuffy nose, feeling of a "knot" being in her throat, lethargic, headache, stomach ache...but no fever.

"Oh well, it's probably strep throat so...until you can get a negative test showing she doesn't have strep throat, you can't let her come back to school."


Lady, you just said NOBODY had strep throat at your school and your school is the only place she goes other than being at home!

So, I called my daughter's doctor's office.  After waiting on hold for almost an hour, they finally told me that they won't see her.  I'm not sure why I'm paying $800/month for medical insurance if you can't ever get a doctor's appointment anywhere.  Meanwhile they suggested I take her to Urgent Care where everybody I know got Covid-19...while sitting in a damned doctor's office.  So, nope.  I won't be doing that anytime soon!

I'm trying to figure out how to get this school nurse her negative strep throat test from my daughter's doctor without subjecting my daughter to Covid-19 while wasting away for hours at an Urgent Care...for no reason except to prove to a school nurse something I already know: she doesn't have and NEVER had strep throat.

Do you ever have weeks where you feel that the entire world is stacked against you??  Like it's a conspiracy to make sure you don't accomplish anything or get anywhere??

This is definitely ONE of those weeks for me.

Of course, Mercury is Retrograde so many that explains a lot!

But, as for GOOD NEWS...

A lot of you have been asking about Bev and her recovery.  For those of you who don't know, she was on death's door after she was put into hospice care a few months back.  A student of mine (I don't recall who) send me some tips on how Bev could see a fast recovery.  I didn't believe him but forwarded the email to Bev's grandson Rigby.  (Yes, Rigby is his real name.)  He took the email to heart, did everything the email suggested, and within mere days Bev bounced back from death's door to having more energy and vigor than she did 20 years ago!

What was the health regimen?

1)  Get off all medications ASAP.
2)  Stop consuming ALL sugar...especially the fake "diet" kind.
3)  Stop consuming ALL refined complex carbs (like white bread, pasta, rice, etc.)
4)  Drink fresh organic green juices TWICE daily (8 ounces each serving)
5)  Eat a diet of raw vegetables, organic poultry and fish ONLY.
6)  Try to get some blood flow going with gentle yoga and Pilates movements when possible.
7)  Do deep breathing for at least 10 minutes each day.

And that was it.

She did everything on the list and within only 10 days she was bouncing around with energy that she hasn't had in decades.  Pretty amazing, don't you think?

Of course, NONE of what I mentioned above (1) came from me and (2) should NOT be misconstrued as medical advice because it's not.  But, a lot of you wanted to know how Bev -- my STAR Money Funnel student (who is over 70 years old making $85,000 per month in NET PROFITS with her Money Funnel Business) is doing and now she feels FANTASTIC!

I'm trying to get her to come to my upcoming retreat next month in Key West but her doctors are advising against it because of Covid-19 (obviously) but I MAY be able to get her to come out to another workshop I'll be doing later this year.  (More on that to come.)

I did get her to agree to helping me do something spectacular for you.  I have something pretty amazing coming up on March 25th and 26th.  It's the last two (2) days of my retreat in Key West where I'll be doing a powerful Money Funnel Business Workshop.  And if you can't come in person, no worries.  These final days will be LIVE STREAMED so you can join us from where you are!

CLICK HERE to check it out now!  I did a short video by my pool to talk a little bit about what these two (2) power-packed days can do for you and the special duo-webinar series I have planned BEFORE the event in Key West.

CLICK HERE NOW to find out all about it!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:21 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, January 19 2021

A few years ago during one of my many pre-Covid business trips, I started watching this movie called Idiocracy (2006) with Luke Wilson.  It's basically about a Pentagon experiment that had gone wrong and left this "average intelligence" guy shoved into the future via a time machine.  There (500 years from now) he discovers that he is, in fact, highly intelligent since the average intelligence of the average American had slipped well below even where most mentally challenged people are now on the IQ scale.  While this was a comedy, I couldn't help but to see the truth in how this future could be our possibility...but in much less than 500 years.  

Try about 50 years.

I'm not one to place a myriad of blame on any specific source of why I think people are mentally going down the tubes like this.  I figure there has to be many factors involved including these possibilities:

1)  The EASY button mentality.  Kids these days seem to think that anything and everything is merely a click away.  Any physical exertion beyond the point of a computer mouse, video game controller, or swipe of an iPad means that they simply have no interest in doing it.  Plus...what's the worst that can happen when you "die"?  I think you just hit "respawn" or "restart" and everything starts from scratch.  There are no consequences to any actions with the EASY and RESTART buttons involved.  There is also no need to get off their asses at all since everything is at their fingertips.  I believe that all this iPad/video game/computer activity numbs the brain more than we think.

2)  Skewed media hype coupled with being barraged with internet disinformation/misinformation.  Did you know that almost nobody in Europe even knows who the hell the Kardashians are?  Yet Yahoo! "News" jumps on every little thing those useless people do. And this whole deal with Meghan Markel?  What the f***?  (Need I say more??) Isn't there anything ELSE in the news to talk about?  By the way, most of these blog online news stories are churned out as fast as possible by "writers" who barely graduated college, have absolutely no life experience, and base their "research" on the rest of the bogus blogger crap they find online, thus giving out even more misinformation with each "news article" that they write.  Add this to just adding fuel to the fire by purposely omitting essential details to a story and adding a writer's "opinion" and this is where things can get dangerous for malleable minds reading any given article.  Unfortunately, our kids (and many others, believe it or not) who don't have the basic common sense mechanism in their brains needed to sniff out bullshit versus reality will believe anything and everything they read.  Sad really.  It's almost better to know nothing at all than have a load of baseless useless nonsense wasting valuable space within your brain cells.  Even worse, much of the news you think is valid and true likely isn't at all.  It's best to just pull the plug on the TV or computer and read a book instead.

3)  A global attack on our personal health.  This can include all the clouds of gas that the U.S. Airforce is generously spraying in the sky on a daily basis along with the chemicals they put in the water because it's "good" for us (including the use of fluoride which is actually NOT good for us AT ALL). These are known as "chem trails."  Look up in the sky once in awhile and when you see a giant tic-tac-toe grid, that's a chem trail.  (We see them ALL the time in California.)  And if you're a meat eater (including consuming dead cows, pigs, and birds), you're getting it even worse with the vast collection of hormones and pesticides that come in your meat, all complimentary of course.  This is why girls are developing at a much earlier age.  This is why cancer is becoming rampant and uncontrollable, happening in larger numbers than ever before.  Did you ever think that maybe it's from all the crap in the air, all the hormones from our food...and now from GMOs??  All of this, of course, affects our brain function and whether we can think clearly...or at all.  And if you have ANY of the disadvantages I've outlined in #1 and/or #2 then you're definitely going to see an impact on your thinking process.  In fact, if you are guilty of #1 and #2 then I'm fairly certain that you didn't even read down this far, as I would have lost you in the first sentence of this email.

4)  Being on the cusp of a possible civil war.  I'm not going to get into a political discussion but I'll just say this:  there are A LOT of distrust of the media (rightfully so), politicians (rightfully so), and the government system itself (rightfully so).  As the classes separate further and further apart -- pushing the upper-middle and higher class in higher financial ranks while shoving DOWN the rest of the 85% to lower-middle or low class -- you're automatically going to see a bunch of pissed off people who feel left behind by the powers that be with NOTHING to lose.  Then add the pandemic in the mix where a lot of these people are losing everything and you then have a huge disaster on your hands; a ton of armed pissed off people running around with NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE is a dangerous proposition.  With this perfect storm, we now are faced with the inevitable: a home-grown unofficial civil war.  At first it may be "us" vs. "them" and then later it may turn out to be the "have nots" vs. the "haves."  More to come on this as things unfold.

5)  Social media is "rewiring" your brain.  I watched a powerful documentary a couple of weeks ago called The Social Dilemma.  (This is highly recommended, especially if you are addicted to social media.)  In a nutshell, if you're on Facebook or Twitter or anything else a lot then somebody else is controlling your brain.  YOU are the product of their platform.  YOU are nothing more than a commodity to make their platforms work.  YOU are the sucker in the equation.  So...stop being the f****** sucker then and delete all of your apps.  What I found to be so disturbing about the documentary is that they interviewed a lot of top level programmers who helped START Google, Facebook, and others and the people who helped build these platforms have said over and over again that these platforms ARE DANGEROUS to your brain, your health and well-being, and your life overall!  Social media is manipulating you, changing your biochemistry, and altering how you think.  They have taken you over and you don't even know it yet.  Watch the documentary.  It'll make you sick!

You're not going to be able to do something about everything I've listed above but you can do something for yourself!

First, start with your health.  Cut your meat consumption.  Drastically, if possible.  Add organic vegetable juice each day, mostly with greens.  Clean up your diet as much as you can.  Eat a lot of organic fruits and veggies.  Get on a regular exercise program even if it's only brisk walking for 20 minutes daily.  Clean out your colon with a 3-day cleanse.  Do what YOU can. 

You can't change the world but you can change yourself.

This is NOT an "all or nothing" type of deal.  You can't breathe different air unless you plan on carrying an oxygen tank on your back at all hours of the day and night.  You're not going to avoid every hormone or pesticide in your food.  But you CAN cut some of the damage down by a significant percentage of consuming this junk and this alone will make a big impact.

Then you'll start to THINK CLEARER.  Once you think clearer, you can start rising above the rest of the dummies that grace this planet and realize success like you've never imagined.

I have another theory and that is this: Do only 7% better and you'll be happier, healthier, and wealthier than you've ever dreamed of!

And doing 7% better only means doing better than what you are doing now.  It really has nothing to do with what everybody else is doing out there because, well...who really cares what everyone else is doing?  Right?

This means getting healthier, educating yourself, create meaningful goals for yourself in all areas of your life, generate a doable action plan to achieve those goals and, most importantly, get off your ass and start working the plan.  Don't let the noise and chatter of what everyone else is doing, thinking, and talking about become a distraction because, as we've established, they're mostly dopes anyway.

It also means CONNECTING with power players who can get you to where you want to go.  And I have a way you can do that. 

CLICK HERE to see my secret to getting anything and everything you've ever wanted!

And by the way, stop watching the news.  Stop reading stupid Yahoo! News articles.  They're written by a bunch of uneducated dummies who don't have a job (or don't excel at one they have).  Focus on yourself and what you need to do to reach your goals.  That's all you have to do.  

And, finally, realize that there isn't an EASY button.  Be willing to roll up your sleeves and do what it takes to achieve whatever you want in life.  If you're willing to do that then...the world is your oyster.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Even though I haven't mentioned anything about this, my Success & Wealth Retreat is almost full (believe it or not).  This is because I've been doing these retreats for a couple of years now and I've been "collecting" students who want to keep coming again and again and again.  This retreat will be our fourth one.  The dates:  March 21st through (and including) March 26th.  The place:  Key West, Florida.  The first 4 days will be ONLY on Inner Success Strategies to help you BREAK THROUGH all the obstacles to getting what you want in life because SOMETHING is holding you back.  The final 2 days will be on Money Funnel Success Strategies ONLINE with a powerful new online marketing strategy I'll be revealing at the event.  CLICK HERE to find out more about joining us in Key West in late March!

P.P.S.  I'm looking for ONE MORE AWESOME PERSON to round out our 2021 Money Funnel Apprenticeship Group.  This is a powerful 8-month long group where I help you build a custom Money Funnel business FROM SCRATCH.  You'll be part of an incredible mastermind of like-minded entrepreneurial individuals just like yourself who aim for high levels of success.  CLICK HERE to find out more about applying for this group.

Posted by: Monica Main AT 07:36 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, January 15 2021

Awhile ago I gave you a short list of 3 of my most powerful success strategies.  Then yesterday I thought about something.  I'm perhaps missing one of the most powerful of them all.


Not tithing exactly, even though that counts.  But I'm referring to giving to others.

Now, the issue I have with tithing to an organized sect or church is that, for many people, it feels like an "obligatory" type of deal.  When anything feels like you're obligated in doing it, immediately it loses all power.  Period.  No exceptions.  Again, I'm not saying tithing is bad.  Not at all.  But do an "inner check" with yourself to make sure that you feel like you're providing a great service to your church and that the act makes you feel great to the pit of your stomach...or not.  The second it doesn't feel anything more than an obligation means that you need to change it up.

There's only one place I've ever felt I've received pure blessings in return for the money I give and that is giving to someone who has nothing but the shirt on his back.  Yes, I'm one of those people who routinely gives to the people who stand on street corners with cardboard signs.  Yes, some of them are scammers, alcoholics, and drug addicts.  So what?  That has nothing to do with MY intentions, only theirs.  My intention is to help another human being who is in need and that is where the universal power comes in.  It matters not in what they do with the money afterward as long as my feelings toward it (to help them out) is there 100%.  (To be clear, I don't help absolutely everyone standing around with a cardboard sign.  I "feel them out" with my gut to see if I want to give to them or not.  I trust my intuition in that way.)

Whenever I give to someone who has nothing to their name, I get the greatest blessings from them starting with the first words from their mouth and their first reaction in getting the money.  Usually they sit there with nobody helping out or, even worse, when people feel the need to insult them for asking for money.  So, when a kind face comes with a hand full of money, it surprises them.  Then, almost always, I get a "God bless you" from them.  And it's genuine from the base of their being.  And I receive that energy, making me feel great.  Then I'm blessed in so many ways because of that energy flow.

This is why I don't like traditional "tithing."  The word itself means a tenth...or a tenth of your income.  So, it almost seems like a forced payment plan in a way when donating precisely 10% of what you make (gross) to a specific church organization.  When things are that structured, the magic begins to dwindle just in the habit part alone.  But when you donate money with your best intent and heart in the gift, you are blessed much, much more than any other format out there.

If you're not sure about what I'm talking about, the next person that you see standing there with a sign and nothing to his name, reach into your pocket and pull out a five or ten...or a twenty dollar bill, if you feel so inclined.  And pay attention to what is happening within yourself when you do it.  Pay attention to the blessing that you feel from the person receiving the money.  And most importantly, revel in the feelings you have when you receive that blessing from the recipient of the money.  They are always most grateful and the feelings within you send you to the mood with happiness and elation.

Here's what happens:

When all of these energies start flying around -- starting from your desire to give the gift to the deep sense of gratitude from the recipient to your feelings of elation from being able to help someone -- the universe responds with gifts to you.  It all works like a big giant vacuum.  Nothing can go "empty" for long in the universe.  So, technically, your giving money to someone in great need causes this sense of "empty" as far as the energy goes in the universe.  You're $20 lighter...or whatever you gave to the recipient.  This allows for the universe to "rush in" to replace it, usually at least 10 fold but many times much, much more depending on the levels of energy flow between you and the recipient.  I've seen returns of 100 fold or higher in some cases.  The good news is that it's pretty immediate.

Here's the slippery slope though.  You can't give with the sole intent to get something without any other intentions otherwise this doesn't work.  You can't say to yourself, "I'm gonna give twenty bucks to that bum over there so I'll win the lottery tonight."  Not gonna happen!  But if you're intent is to truly help that person (and it's not only money that helps, you know), the energy intention behind it is absolutely everything in this universal equation.

Don't believe what I'm saying?  Test it out.  The next person you see holding a sign asking for money, IF you feel inclined to help this person then dig into your pocket and come up with some dough.  Give it to him (or her) and feel the energy that comes from the transaction.  As you walk away, you'll feel lighter and happier.  This, in and of itself, creates more energy and this positive energy pulls to you everything that is in alignment with your soul, your needs, and your life's path.

If you want to start the New Year right, I recommend that you discover ALL of my most highly coveted success secrets including how you can turn yourself into a Magic Magician when it comes to MANIFESTING YOU WANT ON STEROIDS!

CLICK HERE to find out what I'm talking about!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main 

P.S.  I'm looking for ONE MORE PERSON to join the 2021 Money Funnel Apprenticeship Group.  CLICK HERE to watch some testimonial videos right now!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 04:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, January 07 2021

I was reading an entrepreneur blog post this morning about a guy who decided that he needed to make $7 million before he could retire.  So, he built a company, sold it, and made his net $7 million.

Then retired.

His name is Brenton Hayden.

What bothered me wasn't the poorly written blog post with holes in the story of how he had made the money.  What was even worse was that they start out the article making the assumption that he's "lazy."


You can't be freaking lazy to built a company to $20 million and then to sell a company, netting $7 million.  Lazy?  No.  Not by a long shot.

What further bothered me was the slew of negative comments about the guy underneath the blog article, written by a bunch of losers hiding behind their keyboards from their parents houses, destined to accomplish exactly nothing before they finally sink to their pitiful deaths between now and the next handful of decades.  They either assumed that he had made money in a "negative way" because he "profited from the loss of people who lost their homes" to "he must've had a lot of money to start his business and nobody revealed that part."

Typical loser thinking.

I can't believe how stupid the American population has gotten.  They talk about the "dumbing down of America" and those of us who have even a "normal" IQ wonder from which mental hospital all of this idiots suddenly escaped from to quickly figure out how to procreate and thus creating even more dummies among us over the years.

Including, unfortunately, a lot of people in political positions with some very "unique" opinions on a lot of things concerning our direct future.

What bothered me most about the blog comments is how a lot of these dopes assumed that you had to have a lot of money to make the $7 million he made.

I built a $4.3 million per year company inside of 24 months starting with less than $1,000.

I was about his age, too.

Since then I've built many companies from the ground up, using nothing more than a few grand to start each enterprise.

Here's how it works, folks!  (And I talk about this in a recent training I did which you can watch the replay of by CLICKING HERE NOW!)

You start with a little money, let the business generate some sales, use that additional money to build up the company, and you keep doing this until one day you wake up and you're a millionaire.

The more you do this, the better you get at it, and the quicker you can build a company from the ground up with next to nothing to start with.

Meanwhile, you have a Paycheck Charlie who will borrow $300,000 out of his house equity to start a company and will lose every cent of it plus some and will have to file bankruptcy inside of a year because of his very poor investment decision.

Ask the former owner of my house, Jim, because he'll tell you all about how this works!

Just because you have money to start with doesn't mean you will make money with it.

In fact, quite the opposite.

The more money you have to start, the more you squander it on useless stuff like logo t-shirts, 4-color brochures, hiring a web designer for $5,000 and a variety of other useless non-profit driven activities.

When you have barely any money to start a company, every cent is well accounted for, stretched to the max, and put to the best possible use.

Every company I've started where I've had money to work with, I've ended up not making any money.

Every company I've started on a shoestring has made me a fortune ranging from a "paltry" high five-figures to seven figures.

But the dummies reading the blog post and even having the balls to make a comment about something they clearly don't know anything about have no clue about how all this works.

Instead of putting a couple grand aside from their burger flipping job over the course of a year and investing that slowly into a small home-based business, giving up their daily dose of mindless TV shows ranging from American Idol to CSI to work on their business, they'd instead prefer to waste their time reading poorly written Yahoo! articles and putting in their two-cents.

Because after all, a burger flipper living in his mom's basement knows everything about becoming a multi-millionaire.

Let's listen to him everybody!

My first business was a mail order business that I started at home.  I was a teenager, about 19 I think.  I printed up small amounts of mailers at a local printer and spent every evening stuffing envelopes, licking stamps, and affixing mailing labels to thousands of mailers per week.

I did 100% of the work myself.  I spent 12 hours a day, sometimes longer, to build my business.

And each time I started with a small amount of money.

And each time I ended up making an untold fortune because I wasn't afraid of the process, I wasn't afraid to do all the work, and I was willing to take the risk.

Most people are afraid of risk.

Instead, they'd rather fill up comment boards on blogs with their useless derogatory comments while recessing into an even deeper useless and pitiful life.

Meanwhile, they could be starting a profitable home-based business with this valuable time they're wasting.  They could be building a simple website that could eventually be responsible for millions of dollars in revenue for them.

But they won't.

And that's great!

Why?  More money for you and me!  That's why!!

One of the things I plan on talking in my 100K Max Mentorship Group (starting on Wednesday, January 13th) is how I am KILLING IT on YouTube selling high ticket products to the "mass wealthy" customer demographic, how the process works each and every time without fail, and how you can copy the same steps I've used time and time again to build your own home-based business fortune.

And I've never discussed these strategies ever before!!

CLICK HERE to watch the training where I spell out exactly how this powerful money-making secret works.

Changing your financial future starts with only one thing: a decision to change it.  That's it, until you get sick of your life the way it is and you want something else, maybe you're simply not ready.  When you get sick of the way things are and you want something else, it's time to get out of the rut and do something.

Attending this training starts the ball rolling!

CLICK HERE to watch it now and to sign up for my upcoming 100K Max Mentorship Group which begins on Wednesday, January 13th.

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

Posted by: Monica Main AT 11:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, January 01 2021
Happy 2021...What Will the New Year Bring You?

Happy New Year!

Do you feel completely wiped out after finally leaving that smoking train wreck called 2020 in the rearview mirror?

While we still have some battles ahead, there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel, I believe.  It'll probably take until late spring or summer for us to begin to see some resemblance of normalcy in our lives but I do believe 2021 will be our year to "break" the horrendous 2020 "curse," if that's what you want to call it.

So, what do YOU plan on doing for 2021?  How will this year be different for you?

Most people have New Year's Resolutions.  Do you have any?  Or did you just throw up your hands and skip it altogether this time around?

I don't really have a list of New Year's Resolutions but I do have quarterly and annual goals.  Does that count?  I guess it does.  I have the same 20 lbs. to lose every year.  And it's not like I don't meet my goals; I do.  I just lose the weight then gain it back later in the year so...I seem to have some of the same Resolutions year after year because of it.

I read an interesting book a few years back called One Word That Will Change Your Life by Jon Gordon.  And the short book basically describes one thing: choose one word that you'd like to see "unfold" for a solid year and just focus on that one word as your "theme" for the year.  So, in years prior, I'd have different words like "Power," "Focus," "Love," and "Joy."

But, for 2021, I have a completely different word in mind.

My 2021 word?  Surrender.

Yes, that's right.  "Surrender" is my word for 2021 because it means, to me, to LET GO.  Let go...and let God!

This year is my year to stop pushing, forcing, striving, worrying, fretting, stressing, and wondering.  It's my year to SURRENDER.

What will YOUR word be for 2021?  You can choose today.  Right now.  Choose a word that you want to represent your 2021. 

Here are some ideas:  Happiness, peace, love, prosperity, tranquility, serenity, adventure, spirituality, bliss, focus, energy, gratitude, power, truth, purpose, destiny, beauty, health, etc.  Those are some ideas for you.  Just take a moment to choose a word that you want to be the main theme for 2021.  It'll only take a short moment.  Choose one word.  And think of it often each day throughout 2021 to remember what you want this New Year to be for you.

And by focusing on this one word throughout the year, it will definitely enhance 2021 in a way that you may find life-changing for yourself.  You won't know until you try it, right?

I wish you all the peace, prosperity, love, and happiness that your life can hold.


See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Many of you know my most successful money funnel student Bev Thiessen and how she rakes in over $85,000 per month in net profits with her money funnels.  She has several types of products she sells, first starting off as an affiliate and then eventually selling her first products.  Many of my current money funnel students have been did Bev get started?  How did she start her business and how did she scale it up?  I'd like to show you exactly what she did, step by step, in how she got started.  I'll also explain how you can do the same thing she did to scale her small home-based business when you join me for this rare and power-packed online seminar event.  Register for a very rare online seminar event by CLICKING HERE NOW!

P.P.S.  For those of you interested in joining me for my 2021 Money Funnel Apprenticeship Group, CLICK HERE to watch some powerful testimonial videos and to download the 2021 brochure now!

P.P.P.S.  For those of you who want to jump start 2021 in a powerful way and if you haven't read the two lost chapters of Think and Grow Rich, CLICK HERE to get them now!  It'll definitely put you on the right track to allow you to manifest anything and everything you want in your life...and then some!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 08:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, December 28 2020

Last month I gave you step by step instructions on exactly how to chisel adverse and negative marks on your personal credit reports.

If you didn't see that email, you can check out my post by clicking here.  There you'll see the full instructions on what to do and why the "Holiday Blitz" is so powerful when trying to fix your personal credit.

For those of you who listened to my powerful advice, time for round two of your letters.  (And if you're new to this, it's not too late to jump on the bandwagon.  Click here to read the post and follow the directions for your Round 1 of your dispute letters.  It's not too late to get started now!)

So, Round 2 (or Round 1 if you're new to this) of your dispute letters to all three (3) credit bureaus should go out this week, preferably today or tomorrow!

This is what I call the 1-2 punch during the holiday season to the credit bureaus when they are most lax, understaffed, overworked, and not really working at full capacity.  You can use this once-a-year time to knock off as much of the adverse and negative marks off your personal credit as possible!

If you want to know more about how to increase your personal credit FICO score by 200 - 300 points in the next 90 days or so, CLICK HERE for a new book I'm releasing called Credit Millionaire!  It'll be the best $9.97 you'll ever spend!  Yes, it's really that cheap.

Why am I basically giving this book away?

Because I want 2021 to be your best year ever.  After the travesty of 2020 is now (mostly) in the rearview mirror, it's time to start facing reality.  And reality is that the economy is about to crumble like a poorly made coffee cake.

And if you honestly think that if our economy can shut down for 9+ months without major long-lasting repercussions then you're living in an alternative reality.

So, why haven't we felt the full effects of the economy cracking apart like we probably should have by now?

Well, the answer is sort of simple and sort of complicated.  So, let me give you the simple explanation:

The economy as it's kind of like a jet airplane with four engines.  And pretend that a flock of seagulls flew into all four of the engines.  The engines are sparking and shorting out while the pilots are beginning to panic because...they just lost all four engines.

This is that short amount of time (mere minutes in this "air time" analogy) that this jet airplane is "coasting" on the borrowed inertia and momentum of when the jet engines were working at full capacity just a short time ago.

But the pilots on the plane know they're about to crash.  (They're equivalent to the smart economists who have been mapping these kinds of things for decades.)  Intelligent business people know the economy is slipping.

In fact, everybody who has to stare face to face with economics on a daily basis know what's going to happen.

It's all coming apart and for the moment it's being barely glued together with temporary quick fixes (like stimulus packages, unemployment benefits, etc.).  

But, that's like trying to hose the bird guts out of the engine after the engines already blew mid-air...when the entire system is already permanently shut down and destroyed beyond repair.

The people who will suffer the most are the lower 85% of the population.  The top 15% understand how to use Other People's Money in the form of unsecured credit that they can use to buy up foreclosure real estate (for pennies on the dollar), to start or buy a business, and to seize opportunity (which will be everywhere) when they see it.

But you have to have access to cash to be able to jump on cash-based opportunities!  Without cash or unsecured credit, you'll be left out in the cold with the rest of the bottom 85%.

Why not think like wealthy people do by pulling those unsecured credit strings?

I talk all about this in my new book called Credit Millionaire!

CLICK HERE to get your copy right now and start 2021 off with a powerful and positive bang!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S.  Many of you know my most successful money funnel student Bev Thiessen and how she rakes in over $85,000 per month in net profits with her money funnels.  She has several types of products she sells, first starting off as an affiliate and then eventually selling her first products.  Many of my current money funnel students have been did Bev get started?  How did she start her business and how did she scale it up?  I'd like to show you exactly what she did, step by step, in how she got started.  I'll also explain how you can do the same thing she did to scale her small home-based business when you join me for this rare and power-packed online seminar event.  Register for a very rare online seminar event by CLICKING HERE NOW!

P.P.S.  For those of you interested in joining me for my 2021 Money Funnel Apprenticeship Group, CLICK HERE to watch some powerful testimonial videos and to download the 2021 brochure now!

Posted by: Monica Main AT 02:48 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, December 17 2020
I don't think many of you realize what I go through and how many hours a day/week I work to assist my students on their pathways to success in real estate investing.
My thousands of testimonials that I've gotten from my students over the years -- and still continue to get on a near-daily basis -- is what keeps me going as a teacher.  It keeps me tirelessly doing trainings, mentorship groups, webinars, seminars, and putting together new home study course materials to educate my students for maximum success.
Many of you deeply appreciate what I do for you because you see what I do, what I go through, and the quality of what I put out there for teachings.  You have been ripped off by other "gurus" out there who have no clue about real world real estate investing so you know quality teachings vs. rip off b.s.
You also understand that the real estate investing climate is changing by the day as our ever-changing economic conditions are become more volatile as time marches on (and it's only going to get worse before it gets better).
Then there are a small handful of you (and this encompasses a very small handful) who, quite honestly, won't ever become a success in anything in life let alone real estate investing.  A couple of you have shot me some nasty emails because of the amount of new courses I'm coming out with in such a short time, accusing me of being just another "guru." can think all you want in that regard.  Anyone who knows me personally also knows I don't give a s*** about what people think of me, especially someone who will never amount to much because he or she thinks the extent of "success" isn't much beyond ungluing themselves off the couch for 30 seconds to answer an email.
In comparison to other "gurus" who don't care about anyone's success, I'll tell you that their courses and seminars are much higher in price than mine will ever be (and are outdated).  I charge the lowest possible cost to barely cover my overhead just to make it affordable for everyone to get a shot at getting into the highly profitable business of passive income cash flow real estate.
And this is because I truly care about people.  I care about training people so they can become successful.
I personally answer my emails.  No "guru" does that.  I also personally run my mentorship groups online.  No other "guru" does that.
I personally teach my training and seminar groups.  Most "gurus" don't do that anymore.  They send some uneducated underling who read one book on real estate investing to teach a 2-day "boot camp" while the "guru" will breeze in for a 10-minute "cameo" appearance.  The underling teaches 20 minutes of outdated real estate investing material then uses the remaining 2 days to sell you on a $10,000 consulting deal or a $35,000 partnership arrangement.
And I do none of those things.  Never will either.
And if you've attended my boot camps in the past, you'd know that it's all usable educational content and maybe a 1-minute sales pitch that pretty much goes like this:  "See my catalog?  Get 50% off any one or more items you want in this catalog as long as you turn your order form into my assistant by the end of this event."
And that's about it for my "sales pitch" at events.
And yes, I personally teach the majority my entire boot camps with the exception of a guest speaker here and there.
The reason I'm releasing so much new material now is because I'm on a "push" for two (2) key reasons:
1)  The opportunities in real estate will be coming in like a tsunami as we enter into 2021 including getting bottom-basement deals on real estate (thanks to the upcoming foreclosure and short sale windfall).
2)  I'm physically, mentally, and emotionally burnt out and I want to give you the best of what I got before I completely run out of energy for good.  After the end of 2020, I will NO LONGER be doing ANY real estate training.  And I may as well share (for the last time) my money and partnership resources with you!
I think we all realize when we've peaked at something.  For the longest time I stayed in this business as the underdog "guru" because I felt the motherly instinct belief (as naive as it may seem) that as long as I'm around, you wouldn't fall for the other guy who is out there with the sole intent to screw you over.
But I think we all get to the point where we have to move on.
And I'm at that point.
For the longest time I was at the crossroads where I told myself:  "Go big or go home."
Going "big" meant becoming one of of the "gurus" that I despise so much.  And that's not an option.  I won't be one of them.  Not now.  Not ever!
So...the second option is to "go home."  I guess that's what I'm planning on doing for the time being.
If I can find a way to help more people without burning myself out, I'll let you know.  If I could get on the Robert Kiyosaki level (because he's probably one of the only ones who's not quite as sleezy as the rest) and still be me, offering only the best and most cutting edge strategies, I will stay in the game.
But as it stands now, it's not looking like that's going to be a possibility.
I told my staff a couple of weeks ago that I'm slowly phasing out my duties as a real estate trainer and going into semi-retirement by my birthday (which is June don't forget to mail me a card).  They understand what I've been going through so it was no surprise.  No one else seemed to like what I was planning except for one of my staffers who appreciates the "cycle of life," the need for change, and all that kind of stuff.
So, I'll be offering you my money and partnership resources which you can get by CLICKING HERE NOW!
Listen, things are changing.  I'm changing.  The world is changing.
Things are starting to shift.  The economy is showing signs of breaking.  Once this happens, the opportunities in the real estate market will flood in like a damn breaking.  Now is the time to start lining up your cash resources and partners so that you'll be ready to swoop up on these deals when they start dropping.  CLICK HERE to snatch up my unsecured cash resources and partner resources while you still can.  This is your LAST CHANCE to get this stuff.
There is definitely a "spiritual" shift going on as well but I won't be going into detail about that.  Those of you who know what I'm talking about and know already what's going on, I don't need to explain anything to you.  Those of you who don't know...don't know (and probably never will), and that's okay too.
Part of my semi-retirement has to do with these spiritual needs that I now have for myself once I realized that working my way into an early grave wasn't doing a damn bit of good for myself or for my young daughter.
Awhile back, my friend Aran Dunlop (who is also my star MHP student), summed it up nicely in a text he sent to me saying exactly this:  "Maybe $10 a day and a hut on a deserted beach isn't irrational at all."
Actually, it's sounding more and more "rational" by the day!
Maybe now is your crossroads.  Maybe you need to figure out what's important to you.  Is it working for someone else for a fraction of what you could be making?  Is it wasting 45 - 50 hours a week making someone else rich when you could be working less than half those hours, making more than triple what you make, and actually being there for your kids?
Why do we have to hit our deathbed to realize what we should have done with our lives?
And do you doubt me when I tell you that you won't be saying you wished you spent more time working for Boss Man Smitty and even less hours watching your kids and grandkids grow up?
I'm hoping you don't realize what's really important in life when it's too late.
I'm 46.  I'm a known workaholic to everyone who knows me.  I'm the last person on earth anyone would have expected would have "slowed down" to smell the roses.
Yet I'm making a conscious effort to focus on things that are most important in my life: my daughter, balance, eating well, exercise, and doing things that make me happy.
I'm finally realizing what's important.  I'm realizing that life is more than working your ass off then working some more...then more and more and more. 
I'm hoping you realize that you can do the things that make you happy too.  And I'm hoping you realize this before it's too late...before you're too sick, too tired, or too old to do anything about it.
CLICK HERE get the last bit of my resources, my partnership connections, and my grant secrets (to get money from the government that you never have to pay back)!
See you at the top...and maybe on that deserted beach one day!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:05 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, December 14 2020

I've been a wealth trainer for more than 20 years and I've found that there is a COMMON THREAD among every student of mine who never becomes successful.

What is that COMMON THREAD?

Not enough attention to the details and NO FOLLOW-THROUGH.

Many of the students I work with believe that they will read one of my books and suddenly they are "schooled" enough in being able to buy a multi-million-dollar real estate asset.  They're not even willing to attend a seminar, mentorship group, or study my course materials yet they believe they're rippin' ready to jump into buying that first property. the 11th hour, they back out.  Some will get just inches from the finish line and they drop out of the game, detoured by fear (mostly because they didn't go deep enough in the learning process to understand what to do next), and then they recess into the mediocre life of what's always been.  Never to become successful with anything.

I hope that does NOT include you.  It probably doesn't because most of my students understand the value of learning everything they can before jumping into the big, bad world of real estate investing.

With that said, I have something VERY IMPORTANT to tell you about the rapid changes in our real estate market.  You absolutely MUST listen to a short video that I have prepared for you.  CLICK HERE to watch it now.  In fact, I highly recommend that you STOP all investing activity including looking for properties until you watch this somewhat shocking new direction that I'd like to see you pursue for maximum cash flow potential.

CLICK HERE to find out what this is all about RIGHT NOW!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main


Posted by: Monica Main AT 10:20 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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