How You Can Rake In $5,000 to $20,000 or More PER MONTH Using a Little-Known Internet Marketing SecretWITHOUT Having a Product, Business, Customer Service Department, Order Taking Set-Up or ANY Product Liability or Delivery Issues…And You Can Start Making This Type of Money in 60 Days ORLESS!
From the Desk of Monica Main
Wednesday, 1:21pm
Dear Entrepreneur,
When I first started out marketing back more than 20 years ago, we only had that pesky thing called "offline marketing"...except it wasn't called that because there was nothing "online" yet during that time. There was just "marketing" or, even better, "direct response marketing" where you'd have a specific CTA (call to action) whether it was to have them give up their name and address or to just outright order something.
Ah, yes. Those were the days. Sweet. Simple. And highly effective.
Then this "online revolution" thing happened and while it was nice (and profitable) in the beginning during the Wild Wild West Internet Days (circa 2010 and before), it's nothing more than an over-saturated hodge-podge of confusion now...and just getting worse (and more unprofitable) by the day.
But yet there's STILL money to be made online. You just have to know exactly HOW to get it.
Most Methods of Marketing Online Are DEAD...Except for Only a Few That MOST People Don't Even Use to Make Money Because They DON'TKNOWHOW!
There is A LOT of "hoop-lah" on the Internet claiming to help you get rich using THIS or THAT method for online marketing. And, at the end of the day, I'll tell you EXACTLY what your verdict will be from trying those strategies: your wallet will be lighter from the investment into their course or "secret system" while having shelled out money for marketing that produced NORESULTS. So, essentially, you'll be more broke than you started, more frustrated than before, and probably throwing in the towel on all that "online marketing nonsense" when everything is said and done.
Many people have seen me as a "real estate guru" for the past 15 or so years but what you may not know about me is that my first super successful business enterprise was that of direct response marketing. That is my TRUE wheelhouse, especially when it comes to direct mail marketing. And I'm VERY good at starting and running busineses like this.
And with a PAUSE on real estate investing for right this moment, I'm directing my students into taking advantage of the most successful yet easy-to-implement Aggressive Income Strategies. And it DOESN'T get any easier than what I'm about to share with you.
How You Can Rake in a Cool $5,000 to $20,000 PER MONTH Using a Little-Known Online Marketing Strategy Selling OTHERPEOPLE'SSTUFF!
Like I mentioned, online business models have changed DRASTICALLY and CONTINUE TO CHANGE almost daily! The stuff that I initially taught back in 2012 for my New Wealth Ninja Aggressive Income Strategies are mostly null and void today. Then fast foward to my Money Funnel Strategies in 2016...much has changed from then and that was only a very short time ago!
The Internet and the marketing strategies that go along with it changes ALL THE TIME. If you don't have the ability to quickly change and adapt to these new strategies as they happen, having an online business will be difficult for you to pull off. The good news is that when you have someone like me who stays on top of all of these changes as they happen and I can show you EXACTLY how to make money in today's online environment for 2017.
Now, in case you don't know what selling other people's stuff means just what I said. Selling other people's stuff. Not your own. And you get commissions selling their stuff. But not just any old stuff. You have to sell SPECIFIC affiliate opportunities to cash in big on this.
But before I go into detail about WHAT you'll be selling, let me give you a run-down as to WHY you should get involved in this as an Aggressive Income Business as, at least, a STARTING POINT in the event that you have no idea what to sell or what products to develop yourself (IF you even want to go that route at all).
Affiliate marketing is awesome because you have NO product fulfillment, NO customer service concerns, NO legal liability, and NO hassle that you'd normally have with a traditional business filled with product and employee headaches. This is TRULY the VERY BEST home-based business opportunity EVER!
This is especially awesome for those of you who want to get started in some type of home-based Internet business but don't know where to start, don't want to spend tons of time or money on something, can't sustain a complicated learning curve, and just want to get something off the ground that's going to make money quickly. If that describes you then THIS is your perfect opportunity that you've been waiting for!
Years Ago I Told My Students to STOP Promoting Affiliate Sites...So, What's Changed??
A LOT has changed. Again, the Internet changes BY THE DAY and an opportunity that once was...isn't. In the meantime, opportunities that weren't now ARE money-makers like never before.
Affiliate marketing IS one of those changes. can't just do it like the old days by slapping up an affiliate squeeze page with a hoplink and start sending traffic. There is a VERY PRECISE way that all of this MUST be done if you are going to make big bucks doing this.
Here's a short "sketch" of kind of what this type of funnel looks like:
The TWO (2) Key Secrets to Making a Killing with Affiliate Websites Are THIS:
There are two very important key secrets to affiliate website marketing.
1) Have MORE THAN ONE affiliate program that you're promoting, ideally withinthesamewheelhouse of the others. For example, one of the most profitable types of affiliate programs to promote is anything having to do with stock trading. So, if you were to select this as your primary product "wheelhouse" you'd ideally STICK TO promoting ONLY these types of programs and nothing else. The reason for this is so that you can set up 3 to 5 funnels PLUS continue sending email drips/blasts to your prospects on your email list that all correspond with whatever they initially came into your first funnel for in the first place.
2) Choosing INFORMATION PRODUCTS over physical products is essential to this. The reason for this is because there is a much higher conversion rate (if the sales page is awesome), higher perceived value, and higher continuity conversion for these types of products. This is where you will get the bulk of your sales with a much higher average ticket than you'll ever be able to get selling, say, health supplements or some physical products. Choosing the right affiliate programs is essential to your success and I'll show you EXACTLY how to choose, which to choose, and how to determine which programs convert the best so that you can start profiting right away.
But it doesn't stop there! It's simply not enough to know which affiliate programs to promote and by merely having your 3 to 5 websites set up. You MUST be able to get A LOT of traffic to your sites otherwise you'll never make a dime.
And here's how you'll do it:
Driving INSANE Amounts of Traffic Using Only a SMALLHANDFUL of Strategies That MOST Affiliate Marketers Don't Ever Use...In Fact, It's Down to TWOSTRATEGIESONLY!
The key here is TRAFFIC...and LOTS OF IT! And if you think it's as simple as whipping up a site and throwing some ads on Google Adwords...think again. You'll never get your business off the ground that way. Never!
But...there are only a few ways to send traffic to your site that works...and works like GANGBUSTERS! If you stick with these two very pinpointed strategies, you'll have more money pumped into your bank account than you ever thought imaginable.
So...what exactly are you going to need for tools to pull this off? It's pretty basic stuff!
How to Set Up Your Online Affiliate Business for Only a Few Bucks to Start Making Up to $20,000 a Month in 60 Days or Less!
What's awesome about the online platform that you'll be using is that it's not anywhere near as expensive to set up as my newer money funnel platform is. Some of these platforms cost between $97 and $297 per month, not including the cost to get your domains and your email blast system. In fact, to set up all 3 to 5 of your affiliate funnels will cost much less than even the $97 that I mentioned above. That's how cost-effective this will be for you.
But it gets better. BOTH the platforms you'll be on have FREE trial periods. This will give you time to build your affiliate funnels out before you're charged a dime for the website service! Isn't that fantastic??
There is no better, more cost-effective online business than this one. This is PERFECT for those of you who have been lost, without guidance, and have no clue HOW to start but know that you really have to start generating some huge sums of money in the next couple of months or so.
Now Available...The Affiliate Mentorship Modules!
We recently finished an 8-week 100% online mentorship group where I conducted thorough 60 to 90 minute live webinar training each week followed by an Action Sheet. Since this group just ended, you can now get the modules which allow you to "binge" the entire group without having to stretch it out for 8 weeks. In fact, you can complete this entire group in a weekend!
This has been the MOST THOROUGH training I've EVER done on the subject of online money-making. Even better, I've gotten so good at doing these trainings over the years that this one -- hands down -- is the MOST STEP-BY-STEP that I've EVER done.
And I should also mention that there is NOTHING like these trainings ANYWHERE out there in cyberspace. Many "gurus" and trainers will offer trainings but they always leave key elements out which happen to be the elements you need for success. They do this either because they don't know the subject matter they are teaching well enough (and are simply teaching just for money and NOT because they do what they are teaching) OR they intensionally leave these details out so they can upsell you on some other component, service, or training for a much higher price later, leaving you broke and frustrated.
Don't do this to yourself otherwise you'll psyche yourself out so much that you'll never get off the ground.
THIS is the first and only training I'll be doing like this. I STRONGLY suggest you take me up on this and be part of this powerful one-time-only mentorship group otherwise, I guarantee, you'll be kicking yourself later if you miss out!
PLUS...You'll Get the Complete Affiliate Kit As a SPECIAL BONUS!
When you get the Affiliate Mentorship Modules, you'll also be shipped the Affiliate Kit which gives you all the extra tools you need -- including a flash drive -- that has every type of marketing template you could ever need INCLUDING testimonial videos for our top-selling products that you can use in all of your own marketing.
Listen, online marketing is ALL ABOUT VIDEO. Even better when you have TESTIMONIAL VIDEO to use for your Facebook and YouTube marketing. And I'm givin you ALL of that plus so many other marketing templates that you can use to start making money right away!
"But Monica...I Can Barely Type My Name on the Keyboard Let Alone Knowing How to Figure Out that 'Complicated' Website Building Stuff!"
When I started building sites, I had to use something called HTML. Then later we got to use a desktop software program called FrontPage (by Microsoft) where we'd still build our site on our desktop then upload it using an FTP server. That's how complicated (and don't mention frustrating) it all was back then.
Nowadays, even my dad who is pushing 70 years old has created his own simple website. ANYBODY can create a website...and FAST! In fact, each affiliate website that you whip together, provided that you use my EXACT templates (that will be provided to you) will take only a couple of hours (or less) to complete. For me, these sites take 30 minutes or less. That's how EASY it is to set these up!
You know, sometimes you have to stop making excuses and start doing it. We can talk ourselves out of most anything if we give ourselves a strong enough compelling list of "can'ts" and fears. But I'm here to tell you that these sites are EXTREMELY EASY to set up.
And if you think you'll be setting these up on the more complicated money funnel system, think again. We're going back to the basics, building these affiliate squeeze pages on the easiest and most cost-effective platform out there.
Before YOU start making your list of unnecessary excuses, stop and ask yourself: "Would I like to make anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000 in NET PROFITS online by NOT having my own products, customer service center, order fulfillment, legal liabilities and the typical business hassles by simply having a few kick-ass affiliate websites on auto-pilot?"
If your answer is YES then you MUST do this...NOW...before you try talking yourself out of it again. Otherwise this will be yet another year of inaction and no profits if you don't finally get off your ass to make something happen.
If you have any questions, call my office now at 661-295-5050.
See you at the top!
Your mentor,
Monica Main
P.S. For those of you who have been WAITING for that perfect home-based business that's quick, cost-effective yet easy to make work, THIS is what you've been waiting for. This has to be, hands down, the EASIEST online money-making strategy there is. And if you've been wondering which of my Aggressive Income Strategies is the EASIEST, most doable, and most cost-effective to set up yet can pull in some serious cash figures, THIS IS IT! This is the one!
While we create the very best educational materials on the market, by purchasing any of them doesn't automatically guarantee profit revenues as implied. Profit revenues are derived when a student follows instructions and promotes his/her business(es) using the techniques and strategies provided in the materials. There is a 60-day money-back guarantee on this product provided that it is returned in re-sellable condition with all seals in tact. There are no refunds on workshops.